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Announcements and Highlights

A-Train Symposium, April 18-21, 2017

Registration is now open for the 3rd International A-Train Symposium, to be held in Pasadena, California, April 18-21, 2017. For over a decade, the A-Train Constellation has successfully collected a uniquely comprehensive environmental dataset. The symposium will be an opportunity to learn and exchange information about A-Train scientific breakthroughs and to highlight how Earth science has benefitted from the long, continuous, multi-sensor dataset. Please visit for more information. 

Join NASA for Earth Day

Deep Blue Aerosol Project Website Now Live

The Deep Blue aerosol project now has its own website:

Deep Blue is the name of an algorithm that uses measurements made by Earth-orbiting instruments to determine the amount and properties of aerosols in the atmosphere. In this context, the term aerosols describes particles suspended in the atmosphere, including—but not limited to—desert dust, smoke, volcanic ash, industrial smog, and sea spray. Improving our understanding of aerosols is important for reasons related to Earth's climate, human health, ecology, and more.

The site is intended to act as a single resource for the various current and forthcoming Deep Blue satellite aerosol data products, based on retrievals from the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor (SeaWiFS), Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), and Visible-Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS). The site includes information on and links related to the data products, such as file formats, publications, and data access locations, and some background information on aerosols and aerosol remote sensing for the non-specialist.

There is also an RSS feed, to which you can subscribe for information relating to the project, such as new publications or data version updates. Please direct questions to Andrew Sayer of the Deep Blue Project at

Preliminary Level-2 and Level-3 SMAP Radiometer Data Now Available

The beta version of Level-2 (L2) and Level-3 (L3) radiometer data from NASA’s Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) mission is now available at the NASA National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC). These data use L-band brightness temperature measurements retrieved from the SMAP radiometer to produce global soil moisture estimates.

As of September 9, 2015, the SMAP Science Data System (SDS) began forward processing of the beta (Version 1) L2 and L3 radiometer data, which will be made available at the NSIDC within 24 hours of satellite observation for the L2 data, and within 50 hours for the L3 data. Note that reprocessing of the data from March 31, 2015, to September 9, 2015, to Version 1 will begin at the end of October 2015.

The beta (Version 1) SMAP L2 and L3 datasets now available at the NSIDC include:

• SMAP L2 Radiometer Half-Orbit 36 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture; Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
• SMAP L3 Radiometer Global Daily 36 km EASE-Grid Soil Moisture; DOI:

Users should be aware that these beta data use preliminary algorithms that are still being validated and are thus subject to uncertainties. The calibrated and validated release (Version 2) of these L2 and L3 datasets is expected to take place at the end of April 2016.

To access data, documentation, and tools, visit

Note also that the Level-1 SMAP radar data are accessible through the Alaska Satellite Facility Center DAAC at

Additional questions can be directed to NSIDC User Services at

Science Program Support Office Annual Report

During FY2015, the Science Program Support Office (SPSO) supported 24 domestic and international science conferences and public events. Each year the SPSO strives to provide an inspiring and interactive venue, using a unique storytelling approach, that allows a variety of audiences worldwide to connect with NASA Science. The 2015 Annual Report provides a broad overview of these activities, along with details about new Hyperwall stories, publications, social media, key partnerships, and more! Click here to see the report.

SAGE III Mission Brochure now available

NASA’s Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) family of remote-sensing-satellite instruments has long measured ozone (O3) concentrations, stratospheric aerosols, water vapor, and other trace gases that influence Earth’s atmosphere. Planned for launch in 2016, SAGE III on the International Space Station will continue the legacy of accurate SAGE measurements. This brochure provides details about the instrument, launch and installation, ground system and data, and more!

Kudos to Jack Kaye!

Jack Kaye [NASA Headquarters—Associate Director of Research for the Earth Science Division] received the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) Honorary Member award during the AOGS 12th Annual Meeting held in Singapore in August 2015. AOGS created this prestigious award to honor the persons whose international standing in geosciences or whose services to the Society are recognized by the Society and elected by the General Meeting. The Award Committee evaluates and ranks the nominated candidates and then submits its recommendations and the ranked list to the Council, at least three months prior to the next AOGS Annual General Meeting, for consideration and approval.

The criteria for ranking, each of equal weight, are any two of the following three criteria:

• The excellence, outstanding nature, breadth, persistence, and international recognition of a candidate’s research contributions to the geosciences;

• The excellence and duration of a candidate’s record of international leadership and unselfish cooperation in the geosciences, particularly in Asia and Oceania;

• The excellence and duration of a candidate’s contributions to AOGS, especially relating to the development of the geosciences within Asia and Oceania and to international cooperation within and outside these regions.

Please join us in congratulating Jack on this award!


COP-21 Hyperwall Science Stories

The twenty-first Conference of Parties (COP-21) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change will take place in Paris, France, November 30 to December 11, 2016. Each year, the COP meets for two weeks to discuss the state of Earth’s climate and how best to deal with future climate change. Hosted by the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Center at COP is a major public outreach initiative to inform attendees about key climate initiatives and scientific research taking place in the U.S. As has been the standard for several years, NASA’s Hyperwall will be set up inside the U.S. Center. This brochure contains most of the science stories that will be shown on the Hyperwall at COP-21 grouped by theme.


2016 NASA Science Calendar Now Available

The 2016 NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) calendar is now available. This year’s calendar provides a new look at Pluto, Earth and the moon, global rainfall, our sun, dwarf planet Ceres, a stellar nursery, and more! Reveal a new image with accompanying captions each month. Click here


45th Earth Day: Celebrate with NASA

Open to the public!

National Mall (Washington Monument)—April 17, 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM; April 18, 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Union Station (Main Hall)—April 21-22; 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM both days

In commemoration of the 45th anniversary of Earth Day, NASA is teaming with Earth Day Network to share stories with the public about how the agency uses the vantage point of space to achieve a deep scientific understanding of our home planet, the sun and its effects on the solar system, other planets and solar system bodies, the interplanetary environment, and the universe beyond.

Events will take place in Washington, DC at the National Mall, April 17-18, and Union Station, April 21-22. NASA’s Science Gallery and a variety of hands-on demonstrations and activities will be offered at both venues.

On the official Earth Day (April 22) there will be several live presentations in front of NASA’s Hyperwall—a nine-screen video wall capable of displaying multiple high-definition data visualizations and/or images simultaneously. Also on April 22, a NASA astronaut will be signing autographs and answering questions about what it was like to view Earth from space.

We hope tosee you in Washington, DC to celebrate Earth Day!

National Mall

 NASA's Hyperwall

Earth Day

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