Journal Sources

The following sites offer bibliographic information for journal literature in disciplines relevant to the DOE R&D mission:

DOE PAGESBeta  - the Public Access Gateway for Energy and ScienceBeta is the public access tool for scholarly publications resulting from U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) funding.  The key feature of DOE PAGESBeta is that it will link patrons of DOE R&D results to the "best available version" of a scholarly publication.  Specifically, when a publisher provides a publicly-accessible article about DOE R&D results, DOE PAGESBeta will link to that article.  If the article is not available, DOE PAGESBeta will then provide access to the corresponding accepted manuscript.  Following the launch of DOE PAGESBeta, access to publications will be free to the public after a 12-month administrative interval. There will be no requirement for a username, password, or other form of registration.  DOE PAGESBeta content will grow over time as new articles and manuscripts become available.

SciTech Connect – provides free access to publicly-available Department of Energy (DOE)-sponsored R&D results for energy and energy-related scientific and technical information from DOE and its predecessor agencies, the Energy Research & Development Administration (ERDA) and the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). SciTech Connect is a consolidation of two core DOE search engines, the Information Bridge and the Energy Citations Database. SciTech Connect incorporates all of the R&D information from these two products into one search interface, providing access to DOE publicly available technical reports, bibliographic citations, journal articles, conference papers, books, multimedia and data information, covering a period from the 1940’s through the present, with continued growth through regular updates.


SC e-journals (Office of Science access only) provides the Office of Science (SC) management and staff electronic access to the full text of key peer-reviewed scientific journals. Titles are of broad interest to the Department of Energy.


Last updated on Thursday 02 June 2016