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Tag archives for Malaria

Leveraging Markets for Global Health

An analyst at the National Quality Control Laboratory in Kenya conducts a test on a pharmaceutical sample. / Tobin Jones, Chemonics

USAID’s work with new insecticide sprays and antiretrovirals demonstrates the potential impact of maximizing market forces to achieve global health goals. Through collaboration, USAID aims to continue identifying and realizing market-shaping opportunities.

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As the World Focuses on Zika, Malaria Continues its Deadly Toll

Nurse Agnes Nambuya gives Christine sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine drugs to prevent malaria in pregnancy. / Allan Gichigi, MCSP

What disease comes to mind when you hear the word mosquito? Probably, the Zika virus. However, don’t forget a more prevalent and deadly mosquito-borne disease — malaria.

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USAID Salutes Nobel Laureates Whose Discoveries Help Fight Malaria, River Blindness, Elephantiasis

Habiba Suleiman, 29, a district malaria surveillance officer in Zanzibar, naps with her little girl Rahma under a mosquito net. She lives in Tanzania, where up to 80,000 people die from malaria each year. Hariba is working to change that. Read her story on USAID’s storytelling hub. / Morgana Wingard, USAID

This year’s Nobel laureates in medicine, announced on Monday, developed therapies that have revolutionized the treatment of some of the most devastating diseases caused by parasites. USAID relies on these medicines to protect millions of people at risk.

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Shrinking the Malaria Map

The President's Malaria Initiative (PMI) Africa Indoor Residual Spraying Project protects millions of people in Africa from malaria by spraying insecticide on walls and ceilings to kill mosquitoes that transmit the disease. With PMI’s support, more than 18 million in Africa people have been protected through indoor residual spraying. / Jessica Scranton

The President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) is working to eradicate malaria, a completely preventable and treatable disease. For World Malaria Day, U.S. Global Malaria Coordinator Adm. Ziemer talks about PMI’s successes and what still needs to be done.

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10 Reasons Vaccines are the Best Protector of Human Life


To mark World Immunization Week, PATH is reporting on the lifesaving potential of vaccines against four illnesses that kill more than 2 million young children a year: malaria, pneumonia, rotavirus, and Japanese encephalitis. Here, Dr. John Boslego, director of PATH’s Vaccine Development Program, lists top 10 ways vaccines make a difference for children and for global health. This post originally appeared on PATH.

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Video: Ghanaian Town Takes on Malaria


One of the most effective methods the United States supports to fight malaria around the world is spraying homes in the areas where the mosquitos live with an insecticide – delivering a knock-out punch to the pesky population. This video shows how one community in Ghana is mobilizing against malaria.

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Full Speed Ahead on Malaria


The greatest success story in global health is anchored by a continent once known mostly for famine and war. Many countries in sub-Saharan Africa are making unprecedented gains in child survival and reducing the devastating burden of malaria—a disease carried by mosquitoes and a major killer of children. U.S. Global Malaria Coordinator, Rear Admiral (RET.) R. Tim Ziemer, provides an update on efforts to roll back malaria for good.

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10 Ways the U.S. Government is Fighting Global Climate Change (that you’ve never heard about)

Photo Credit: Daniel Byers, SkyShip Films 2011

Fighting lake burst in Nepal, using Nasa data to monitor forest cover, building climate smart cities in coastal Asia. Read about these and other ways the U.S. Government is hard at work helping protect our planet and the billions of people who share it.

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Saving Lives of Children, Unburdening Economies & Shrinking the Malaria Map (for Good)

Global efforts to control and eliminate malaria have saved an estimated 3.3 million lives since 2000, reducing malaria mortality by half in sub-Saharan Africa, according to the World Malaria Report 2013 published by the World Health Organization (WHO). Nearly 70% of these lives saved were in the 10 countries with the highest malaria burden, and among children under 5 years of age – the group most affected by the disease.

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Helping Bright Ideas Shine Through Spotlight: Brian Gitta, Makerere University, Uganda, ResilientAfrica Network

Brian Gitta, from Makerere University in Uganda pitches his winning idea that uses cell phones and light – not needles and blood samples to test for malaria. Photo Credit: Cynthia Kao-Johnson/USAID

USAID’s Higher Education Solutions Network (HESN) – a multidisciplinary research and development effort led by seven universities working to evaluate and strengthen real-world innovations in development.

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