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Tour the Site assists web managers, user experience professionals and students, and others by providing the information and tools they need to create online experiences that are usable, responsive, intuitive, and accessible. 

We’re Focused on Your Needs

The site content is focused on what you need to create useful and usable digital content.  It provides:

A More Dynamic and Responsive Interface

The site has been designed to be more interactive and to anticipate what you are looking for.

The redesigned homepage contains quick access tiles and a featured topic area

  • Designing for touch and swipe as well as click and scroll through the use of tiles and cards

On interior pages, use task tiles docked to the page, alternate between card and list views, find decks of information related to a topic, and click or swipe to see more

  • A dock that stays to the left of your screen to help you navigate to high value pieces of content from any page on the site.
  • The ability to toggle between card and list view.
  • An interface that allows you to swipe or click to view more content.

Share your favorite content, find related information, and give feedback

  • Buttons for you to share your favorite content with your networks.
  • Surveys on every page for you to provide feedback on whether you found the content helpful and ways we can improve.

For more information

To learn more about our reboot of the program and site, please watch our DigitalGov University webinar: