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Reporting and Statistics

Fire in Minnesota

What is it? 

The annual Fire in Minnesota report is based on numbers provided by Minnesota fire departments. The report includes Photo of cover of 2014 Fire in Minnesota report.
information on fire causes, fatalities, and trends. You can see reports from previous years in the Fire in Minnesota archives. Here is the 2015 edition of Fire in Minnesota.

The report's history

The first edition of Fire in Minnesota was produced 25 years ago. Back then, there were two counties from which 100 percent of the fire departments provided fire statistics. That's two counties out of 89 -- not an impressive number. Today, 99 percent of Minnesota's 785 departments reported data on emergency calls.

Why is this information important?

Data provided Minnesota fire departments is crucial to developing an all-inclusive report officials can use to help fight fire with facts and save lives.

State Fire Marshal Division Annual Report

Get an Inside Look at the SFMD

​From hotel inspections to fire investigations to public education, the State Fire Marshal Division works across Minnesota each year to protect lives and property.

Learn more about what the division did in 2015 in our most recent annual report. Here is a link to the 2014 annual report.

Federal Fire Information

The U.S. Fire Administration collects national data on fires, fire causes, where fires occur and who is impacted most by fire.  

Minnesota DNR  

The Minnesota Department of Natural resources provides wildfire information and wildland fire data on its website.  


Minnesota Fire Reporting


Biohazard Incident Response Coding
Building Construction Types
Comparison of Building Construction Classification
Run Report Form
Fire Department FDID Numbers
Fire Department Address Listing (Excel)
HazMat Model Reporting Criteria
Incident Type/Modules Required Rules
Minnesota Property and Contents Loss Calculator
MFIRS most Frequently Asked Questions
Procedure for Submitting MFIRS 5.0 Incident Reports to State Fire Marshal 
Apparatus Type Definitions Codes