Table 6. Wage and salary workers who adjusted their schedule or location (1) at their main job during an average week by selected characteristics, 2011 annual averages

Table 6. Wage and salary workers who adjusted their schedule or location (1) at their main job during an average week by selected
characteristics, 2011 annual averages
                                                                                                 Percent of workers who adjusted 
                                              Wage and salary workers (in thousands)         their schedule or location during 
                                                                                                     an average week           
                                                Total          Men          Women         Total          Men          Women    
Total, 15 years and over.....................  139,058        73,430        65,628          6.8           6.4           7.2    
  15 to 24 years.............................   20,880        10,535        10,346          5.5           4.6           6.3    
  25 to 34 years.............................   30,901        16,712        14,189          8.0           7.6           8.6    
  35 to 44 years.............................   28,954        15,939        13,015          8.4           6.7          10.5    
  45 to 54 years.............................   31,566        16,297        15,268          6.3           5.9           6.7    
  55 to 64 years.............................   21,254        11,264         9,990          4.6           5.4           3.7    
  65 years and over..........................    5,503         2,684         2,819          7.4          11.4           3.5    
                   Race (2)                                                                                                    
 White.......................................  116,125        62,571        53,554          7.0           6.4           7.6    
 Black or African American...................   15,204         6,809         8,395          3.9           3.0           4.6    
 Asian.......................................    5,188         2,565         2,623          8.8          12.2           5.5    
       Hispanic or Latino ethnicity (3)                                                                                        
 Hispanic or Latino ethnicity................   18,511        10,938         7,573          3.3           2.8           4.1    
 Nonhispanic.................................  120,548        62,492        58,055          7.3           7.0           7.6    
    Educational attainment (25 years                                                                                           
      and over)                                                                                                                
 Less than a high school diploma.............    8,002         5,286         2,716          1.6           2.1            .7    
 High school graduates, no college...........   33,358        19,044        14,313          3.7           3.4           4.0    
 Some college or associate degree............   30,886        15,043        15,843          6.9           6.7           7.1    
 Bachelor's degree and higher................   45,932        23,522        22,410         10.4          10.4          10.5    
       Parent of a household child                                                                                             
 Parent of a household child under                                                                                             
   18 years..................................   47,401        24,631        22,770          9.1           8.9           9.4    
   Parent of a child 13 to 17 (none                                                                                            
     younger)................................    9,711         4,937         4,774          7.2           8.2           6.1    
 Parent of a child under 13..................   37,690        19,695        17,996          9.6           9.1          10.3    
 Not a parent of a household child                                                                                             
   under 18...................................  91,657        48,799        42,858          5.6           5.1           6.0    
                  Health (4)                                                                                                   
 Excellent...................................   38,052        19,423        18,629          6.7           6.1           7.3    
 Very good...................................   52,725        28,664        24,061          7.8           7.8           7.9    
 Good........................................   38,054        20,092        17,962          5.9           5.1           6.7    
 Fair or poor................................   10,227         5,252         4,975          5.2           5.0           5.3    
 Management, business, and financial                                                                                           
   operations................................   21,246        12,324         8,922         12.0          11.4          12.9    
 Professional and related....................   32,140        13,599        18,540          9.9          11.1           9.0    
 Services....................................   24,004        10,660        13,343          4.4           4.4           4.4    
 Sales and related...........................   14,042         6,857         7,185          5.3           5.6           5.0    
 Office and administrative support...........   18,929         5,166        13,762          6.2           5.3           6.6    
 Farming, fishing, and forestry..............      703           430           273          (7)           (7)           (7)    
 Construction and extraction.................    6,878         6,629           249          2.4           2.5           (7)    
 Installation, maintenance, and repair.......    4,972         4,819           153          4.7           4.8           (7)    
 Production..................................    7,688         5,661         2,027          2.8           2.9           2.5    
 Transportation and material moving..........    8,456         7,285         1,171          1.1           1.3           (7)    
 Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting.    1,251           981           270          2.8           (7)           (7)    
 Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas                                                                                            
   extraction................................    1,014           925            90          (7)           (7)           (7)    
 Construction................................    8,684         7,924           760          3.4           2.9           (7)    
 Manufacturing...............................   14,272        10,735         3,537          7.4           6.2          11.2    
 Wholesale and retail trade..................   19,279        10,295         8,983          4.2           4.0           4.5    
 Transportation and utilities................    7,411         5,633         1,778          2.8           1.8           5.9    
 Information.................................    3,548         1,789         1,759         12.8           9.5          16.2    
 Financial activities........................    8,096         3,321         4,775         10.3           9.5          10.9    
 Professional and business services..........   15,433         9,814         5,619         12.6          12.3          13.2    
 Education and health services...............   34,912         9,458        25,453          6.1           8.0           5.4    
 Leisure and hospitality.....................   13,224         6,276         6,948          5.7           4.9           6.3    
 Other services..............................    5,066         2,269         2,797          8.4           8.7           8.2    
 Public administration.......................    6,870         4,011         2,859          6.6           6.9           6.1    
             Class of worker (5)                                                                                               
 Private sector..............................  111,092        59,928        51,164          6.9           6.2           7.7    
   Private, for profit.......................  100,795        56,456        44,339          6.9           6.0           8.0    
   Private, not for profit...................   10,296         3,472         6,825          7.6          10.4           6.1    
 Public sector...............................   23,586        10,474        13,112          5.1           4.8           5.2    
   Federal government........................    3,878         2,404         1,473          5.3           4.6           6.4    
   State government..........................    8,627         3,587         5,039          7.0           7.7           6.4    
   Local government..........................   11,082         4,482         6,599          3.5           2.7           4.1    
      Full- and part-time status                                                                                               
        (single jobholders only)                                                                                               
 Full-time workers...........................   98,492        56,935        41,557          6.8           6.3           7.4    
 Part-time workers...........................   27,743        10,021        17,722          6.4           5.7           6.8    
      Earnings of full-time workers                                                                                            
        (single jobholders only) (6)                                                                                           
 $0 - $540...................................   24,229        11,941        12,287          3.9           3.3           4.6    
 $541 - $830.................................   23,989        12,260        11,729          4.4           4.8           3.9    
 $831 - $1,230...............................   23,260        14,367         8,892          7.4           4.4          12.3    
 $1,231 and higher...........................   24,195        16,243         7,952         10.8          10.6          11.2    

   1 Data refer to workers who can adjust their schedule or location instead of taking leave or because they need to take time
off from work.
   2 Estimates for the race groups (white, black or African American, and Asian) do not sum to totals because data are not
presented for all races.
   3 Persons of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity may be of any race.
   4 Health status was self-reported by individuals who participated in the survey.
   5 Class of worker estimates do not include self-employed incorporated workers.
   6 These values are based on usual weekly earnings. Each earnings range represents approximately 25 percent of full-time wage
and salary workers (except self-employed incorporated workers) who held only one job.
   7 Estimate is suppressed because it does not meet the American Time Use Survey publication standards.
   NOTE: Unless otherwise specified, data refer to wage and salary workers age 15 years and over. Self-employed workers whose
businesses are incorporated are classified as wage and salary workers.

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Last Modified Date: August 16, 2012