EPA's Report on the Environment (ROE)

What Is the ROE?

EPA's Report on the Environment (ROE) shows how the condition of the U.S. environment and human health is changing over time. The ROE presents the best available indicators of national trends in five theme areas: Air, Water, Land, Human Exposure and Health, and Ecological Condition. The 85 ROE indicators help answer 23 questions critical to EPA's mission of protecting the environment and human health. EPA updates the ROE indicators frequently to provide the latest available data. Use the multi-colored navigation bar at the top of every ROE Web page to explore the ROE themes, the associated questions, and the indicators that help answer these questions.

Featured Indicator: U.S. and Global Temperature and Precipitation

The eight exhibits in this indicator show trends in temperature and precipitation in the U.S. and worldwide. EPA cares about these trends because they are fundamental to understanding changes in climate and their wide-ranging effects (e.g., sea level rise) on human life and ecosystems. The exhibit above, which focuses on changes in temperature in the U.S., shows that:

  • Overall, average temperatures in the U.S. have risen since 1901.
  • Warming has occurred throughout most of the U.S., with temperatures in parts of the North, the West, and Alaska increasing the most.