Nautical Charts & Pubs  
  Nautical Charts & Products  
     •   Print-on-Demand Charts (POD)  
     •   PDF Nautical Charts  
     •   Raster Navigational Charts: NOAA RNC®  
     •   Electronic Navigational Charts: NOAA ENC®  
     •   BookletChart™  
     •   Chart Updates (LNM and NM Corrections)  
  Nautical Charting Publications  
     •   United States Coast Pilot®  
     •   U.S. Chart No. 1  
     •   Chart Catalogs  
     •   Dates of Latest Editions (DOLE)  
     •   Upcoming New Editions  
  Nautical Charting Utilities  
     •   Chart Locator  
     •   NOAA ENC® Online  
  Historical Products  
     •   Historical Maps and Charts  
     •   Historical Coast Pilots  
  Learn About Charting Products  
     •   Last Correction and Cleared through Dates  
     •   Obtain Charting Products  
     •   How Publications are Updated  
     •   Differences Between Maps & Charts  
     •   Learn About Nautical Charts  
     •   DGPS & Your Chart  
     •   Differences Between NM and LNM  
     •   Differences Between RNCs and ENCs  
     •   Differences Between NOAA ENC® and DNC®  
     •   Differences Between ENC and ENC®Direct to GIS  
  Data Portals  
     •   Tides and Currents (General)  
     •   nowCOAST: Real-Time Coastal Data Map Portal  
     •   Physical Oceanographic Real-Time System (PORTS)  
     •   Nautical Charting Links  
     •   Chart Carriage Requirements  
     •   Report a Charting Discrepancy  
     •   Chart Inquiries (questions/comments)  

Print-on-Demand Paper Charts
Print-on-Demand Chart NOAA’s paper nautical charts are available as “print-on-demand,” up-to-date to the time of purchase. Buy charts from a NOAA-certified agent.
Key features
  • Updated with critical corrections. Coast Survey reviews charts weekly, and applies all critical corrections specified in Notices to Mariners.
  • Sold by NOAA-certified agents. Order anytime; charts will be shipped by the next business day.
  • Options available. Coast Survey mandates navigational standards for printed charts. Beyond meeting standard requirements, chart agents may offer options for premium services.

Where can you purchase print-on-demand paper charts?
Certified agents. (NOAA does not sell charts or other navigational products.) When you order a chart, the agent prints and ships NOAA’s latest version of the chart. Some agents or their sub-agents maintain small pre-printed supplies of high-turnover charts.

What charts are available as print-on-demand paper charts?
NOAA maintains over a thousand nautical charts, and almost all of them are available as print-on-demand charts. Some agents will also print bookcharts and folio charts; check with the chart agent.

Make sure your charts are authentic
NOAA applies all navigational content to each chart and is responsible for it. NOAA-certified agents do not alter the images; they print and distribute the chart images provided by NOAA. As a premium service, some agents may print user-specified overlays of tracklines and designated areas.

Paper charts meet carriage requirements
NOAA print-on-demand paper charts must be printed by NOAA-certified agents to meet the requirements for the mandatory carriage of nautical charts.

NOAA nautical charts are produced under the authority of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Ocean Service.

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Web site owner: NOAA Office of Coast Survey