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Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences

Geography and Spatial Sciences Program - Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Awards  (GSS-DDRI)

Notice Regarding Two Solicitations for GSS

Effective on February 19, 2014, the NSF Geography and Spatial Sciences (GSS) Program replaced its single solicitation with two solicitations.

This page and the solicitation highlighted below should be used by doctoral students and their advisors planning to submit Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement (DDRI) proposals to GSS.

The second solicitation provides information for individuals and groups interested in submitting proposals for regular research project awards; for awards for conferences, workshops, group-travel support, and community-development or community-serving activities; and for research coordination network (RCN) awards.  That solicitation also contains additional information for individuals planning to submit Faculty Early-Career Development (CAREER) proposals to GSS.  That solicitation can be accessed via

Name Email Phone Room
Thomas  J. Baerwald-Program Director (703) 292-7301   
Holly  Hapke - Program Director (703) 292-8457   
Sunil  Narumalani - Pgm Director (703) 292-4995   
Don  Rimon-Program Assistant (703) 292-2960   

For all general inquiries to the GSS program, please email  This email will reach all current GSS program officers and one of them will reply to you.


Solicitation  14-538

Important Information for Proposers

A revised version of the NSF Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 17-1), is effective for proposals submitted, or due, on or after January 30, 2017. Please be advised that, depending on the specified due date, the guidelines contained in NSF 17-1 may apply to proposals submitted in response to this funding opportunity.


Full Proposal Deadline Date

    February 9, 2017

    Second Thursday in February, Annually Thereafter

        DDRI Proposal-Submission Deadline

    August 10, 2017

    Second Thursday in August, Annually Thereafter

        DDRI Proposal-Submission Deadline

Starting in 2014, the deadlines for submission of full Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement (DDRI) proposals to the Geography and Spatial Sciences (GSS) Program are the second Thursday in February and the second Thursday in August each year.  Note that this is a change from previous GSS-DDRI deadlines, which had been in February and October.

There is one annual deadline for submission to GSS of proposals for regular research project awards; for awards for conferences, workshops, group-travel support, and community-development or community-serving activities; and for research coordination network (RCN) awards.  That deadline is the first Thursday of September.  Information about submission of these proposals to GSS is accessible at


As specified in the Geography and Spatial Sciences Program strategic plan, the goals of the NSF Geography and Spatial Sciences (GSS) Program are the following:

  • To promote scientific research in geography and the spatial sciences that advances theory and basic understanding and that addresses the challenges facing society.
  • To promote the integration of geographers and spatial scientists in interdisciplinary research.
  • To promote education and training of geographers and spatial scientists in order to enhance the capabilities of current and future generations of researchers.
  • To promote the development and use of scientific methods and tools for geographic research.

The Geography and Spatial Sciences Program sponsors research on the geographic distributions and interactions of human, physical, and biotic systems on Earth. Investigators are encouraged to propose plans for research about the nature, causes, and consequences of human activity and natural environmental processes across a range of scales. Projects on a variety of topics qualify for support if they offer promise of contributing to scholarship by enhancing geographical knowledge, concepts, theories, methods, and their application to societal problems and concerns.

As part of its effort to encourage and support�projects that explicitly integrate education and basic research, GSS provides support to improve the conduct of doctoral dissertation projects undertaken by doctoral students enrolled in U.S. universities�when the dissertation�research is conducted in a scientifically sound manner and it offers�strong potential for�enhancing more general scientific knowledge.

This solicitation addresses the preparation and evaluation of proposals for Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement (DDRI) awards.

Instructions for submission of proposals for regular research awards; proposals for awards for conferences, workshops, group-travel support, and community-development or community-serving activities; proposals for research coordination network (RCN) awards; and proposals for rapid-response research (RAPID) awards appear in another GSS�solicitation�(


This program provides educational opportunities for  Graduate Students . Individuals interested in applying for funding should see the program guidelines above.

GSS Strategic Plan, 2011-2015

Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems (CNH) Program

Science, Engineering, and Education for Sustainability (SEES) Opportunities

Other Programs in the Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences (BCS)

Programs in the Division of Social and Economic Sciences (SES)

Opportunities Managed by the SBE Office of Multidisciplinary Activities (SMA)

Programs in the Division of Environmental Biology (DEB)

Programs in the Division of Earth Sciences (EAR)

Programs in the Division of Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences (AGS)

Programs in the Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI)

Cyberinfrastructure Framework for 21st Century Science and Engineering (CIF21) Opportunities

NSF Strategic Plan, 2012-2016


What Has Been Funded (Recent Awards Made Through This Program, with Abstracts)

Map of Recent Awards Made Through This Program
