Ancient Wisdom Applies to Today and Tomorrow

Adin_Strauss_DSC1624During May 1 to 8 Social Security is joining forces with faith-based and community groups across the country to increase awareness about their programs and services. The theme for this Faith Week of Action is “Shining a Light on Your Lifelong Protections.”

One of the common misconceptions about Buddhism is that it is detached from the affairs of daily living.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The Buddhist tradition focuses on cultivating the wisdom to differentiate between short-term pleasure and long-term well-being, and the courage to make the best choices.

Among the ancient Buddhist teachings, we find detailed, practical advice on how to handle our money. One sutra, or teaching, advises us to “set aside one fourth of our earnings for times of need.”

Social Security is a solid partner that helps us to prepare for times of need — retirement, disability or the unexpected death of a family’s breadwinner.  Continue reading


What You Need to Know About the New Laws for Claiming Retirement Benefits

Have you heard that some of Social Security’s rules about claiming benefits are changing? Well, it’s true. The Bipartisan Budget Act that passed last November closed two complex loopholes that were used primarily by married couples. We want you to know why this happened, how it might affect you, and what you should do next.

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It’s National Consumer Protection Week

Hand drawing Fraud prohibition sign concept with red marker on transparent wipe board.Looking to protect yourself from fraud, identity theft, and scams? Maybe you’re wondering about the best way to use credit, how to shop for a used car, or maximize your security online.

Part of our commitment to bringing you superior service includes always looking for ways to help protect your identity and information. And not just during National Consumer Protection Week — March 6-12, 2016 — but all year round. National Consumer Protection Week is a coordinated campaign that encourages you to take full advantage of your consumer rights and make informed decisions Continue reading


Set a Goal, Make a Plan and Save

clip art of a piggy bank and a small man standing on it dropping in coinsI have a question for you. Did you know it’s America Saves Week? Here’s another one, are you saving for your retirement? One more, if you will, when was the last time you looked at your savings account?

America Saves Week is an annual opportunity to reassess your answers to these questions and ask yourself if you are saving in the way your future demands. You’ve worked hard all your life and when you retire, you should reap the benefits of that labor. Establishing good savings behavior now will minimize future worries about your financial status.

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You Don’t Need A Magic 8 Ball To Find The Answers To Your Questions

picture of an 8 ballSometimes, finding answers to your questions on government websites can feel a lot like asking questions of a Magic 8 Ball™. That’s not the case with Social Security’s frequently asked questions.

In 2015, Social Security won the “ClearMark Award of Distinction” for best plain language websites and documents from the Center for Plain Language for our redesigned Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) website. We continue to improve our communications to provide you with clear, helpful information and easy access to our services.

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Social Security Is Important to Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders

Photograph of Christopher Kang, National Director, National Council of Asian Pacific AmericansHappy Year of the Monkey! The Lunar New Year is another opportunity for us to make New Year’s resolutions. For many Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, having a better understanding of Social Security should be on their list of things to do.

I had to learn about many of Social Security’s programs very quickly a few years ago, when my dad passed away. I found myself immersed in the world of survivor benefits, pensions, and overall income security for my mom. I learned that my parents were fortunate — Social Security was one source of their income, but not their only one.

Statistics show that a large percentage of elderly Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders rely on Social Security for at least 90 percent of their income. This important detail reminds us that Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders need to invest for a better financial future.

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2015: The Year In Review

2015 was a special year for Social Security – we launched our very first blog, “Social Security Matters.” This blog has helped us cover the issues and concerns that are most important to our beneficiaries and their families. Thank you for reading our blog and joining the conversation about Social Security. We look forward to having more conversations with you in the upcoming year.

While we were partial to storytelling about the 80th Anniversary of the Social Security Act, we invite you to check out our top ten Social Security Blog Posts for 2015:

  1. Medicare Open Enrollment: Five Things You Need to Do

The Medicare open enrollment period ran from October 15 through December 7. This was the time to make changes to your current Medicare coverage for 2016. To get a jump-start on open enrollment season, we offered five helpful tips to make sure you were prepared to Continue reading


Ten Years Since Hurricane Katrina

A makeshift Social Security office is open in the aftermath of the destructionTen years have passed since Hurricane Katrina, a Category 3 storm more than 400 miles across and with sustained winds of 100-140 miles an hour, made landfall.  The storm devastated the coastal regions of Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana.

“We are public servants first.  No one hesitated to volunteer.  Everyone just started doing what they could to help those in need.  That’s what Social Security is about.  It’s who we are.”

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