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U.S. Department of State
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On January 1, António Guterres of Portugal began his five-year term as UN Secretary-General, replacing Ban Ki-moon. If you followed the Secretary-General race or Guterres’ previous tenures as Prime Minister of Portugal and UN High Commissioner for Refugees, you know that UN member states picked a superbly qualified leader for the Secretary-General position -- a job that comes with the potential to spearhead global efforts to address major international challenges and, if seized, is an unmatched position of moral authority.

No matter how well intentioned and effective, Guterres will not be able to implement all of the needed reforms across the UN system -- there are too many, and he will face pushback at each turn from various actors. Here are five suggestions of reform areas he should prioritize, each of which is in desperate need of change, and each of which will require member state support to achieve. Accomplishing even just some of the suggested would go a long way in making the UN system more effective ->
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A Look Back on the Obama Administration's Foreign Policy Record with Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes.

Watch live today at 2:15pm ET ->
Babette Plana's profile photoRamzi Emad's profile photozia ur rehman's profile photo
hi i am new

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Read the latest from the #DipNote blog: In a farewell address to the nation on January 10, 2017, President Obama mentioned a number of interconnected global issues.

Bryan “Bryan o Mac” Miranda's profile photoBabette Plana's profile photo
Happening now: Cubans with visas are being detained and threatened with deportation at Miami International Airport.
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At the State Department, we’ve created new programs and initiatives to address the growing threat of terrorists using the internet. We have also applauded governments and tech companies for taking actions to counter violent extremism online, and supported third-party, credible messengers through various training programs. Tech camps and media workshops, “Voices of Reason” public-private networking events in Istanbul and Tunis, and the Creative Minds for Social Good partnership between the Department of State, the Sawab Center, and Facebook in Dubai have all helped sharpen voices to counter the messages from terrorists. We also work closely with the Global Engagement Center, the interagency entity that is applying data-driven solutions to counter-messaging.

It is clear, countering violent extremism online remains a complex challenge. Addressing it will require governments, private companies, civil society organizations, schools, and communities to work together to make progress on making the internet safer for all.

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Gul Majeed's profile photoFrancis Allan's profile photo
Does this mean RT , Putin those that support that War Criminal can be dragged to the Hague and Sentenced ,,, 
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The United States is troubled by the decision by an Egyptian court after a judicial process to freeze the assets of additional human rights defenders, including Mozn Hassan of Nazra for Feminist Studies and Mohamed Zarea of the Arab Penal Reform Organization. 
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Five years ago the Office of the Coordinator for Cyber Issues was created to promote the U.S. vision for an open, interoperable, secure, and reliable Internet where all stakeholders can experience its economic and social benefits. Each year since we’ve applied proven tools of diplomatic engagement to proactively lay the foundation of international norms and confidence building measures necessary for stability and conflict avoidance in cyberspace. We’ve also strengthened our bilateral and multilateral engagements with foreign partners and stakeholders to underscore our shared belief that malicious activity in cyberspace must be met by a collective front of like-minded actors:
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I am always amazed how many countries in the world really look at the United States as a beacon for democracy, human rights, and hope. Our growth as a nation –- our continued effort to value inclusion and service -allows our increasingly diverse corps of foreign and civil servants to represent the best of the United States to nations around the world. Going forward it is critical that we share the story of how Foreign Service officers and State Department staff - in today’s unprecedented era of global challenges -- are making a profound difference in the lives of people, facing dangers, and bringing hope to future generations. -Ambassador Don Y. Yamamoto

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As we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day we are reminded of the valuable work done over the last few decades to advance civil rights for all American citizens and the importance of service.
Mr. Random's profile photo
Haha Haha the US is the laughing stock of the world
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U.S. and Cuba sign a bilateral Law Enforcement Memorandum of Understanding to deepen law enforcement cooperation and information sharing.

KevyneShandris's profile photoBabette Plana's profile photoAndrew Kelly's profile photo
We can oust whatever cocksuckers think about dictators for their internet expansion plan for profit over peoples rights you sorry fuckin pieces of shit
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As 2017 begins, there’s never been a stronger economic case for renewable energy than there is today. The conventional wisdom has always been that renewable energy is far more expensive than traditional sources. However, rapid innovations and technological advances have driven down costs to the point that electricity from wind turbines and solar panels is increasingly cost competitive with power generated by traditional energy sources like coal and even gas.

In just the past eight years, according to the investment bank Lazard, the cost of power from onshore wind and solar panels has dropped by as much as 66 percent and 85 percent respectively. And because renewable energy is driven by technology, we can expect its costs will continue to decline:
Jason O. Nungesser's profile photo
Must be why a Wyoming Republican wants to fine energy companies from using renewable sources. - Wyoming bill would all but outlaw clean energy, by forbidding utilities from using it
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In recent years, the international community has made tremendous progress in sharing foreign assistance data with the public through the International Aid Transparency Initiative. Aid transparency has the potential to empower citizens, governments, and donors to maximize development impact – but only if the public is aware of its existence and can access it, regardless of individual background or experience:
Jacqueline Bauer's profile photoFrancis Allan's profile photo
They done brilliant in their term ,,, good luck for the future ,, I won't be returning to this site now that Doofus Drumpf has power , opposing Islamic Insanity is one thing ,,,, but moving toward that Tin Pot Dictator pariah Putin is in itself nothing short of betrayal , good luck , fair winds ahead for all .
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In a farewell address to the nation on January 10, 2017, President Obama offered his thanks to the American people for the last eight years, outlined ways his Administration has served American interests, and offered his vision on where we go from here as a country. The crux of his remarks focused on the importance of democracy, civic action, and staying true to our values. As he outlined progress made on a range of issues and discussed domestic challenges, the President also mentioned a number of interconnected global issues:
fun nny's profile photomidomosa's profile photoBabette Plana's profile photo
Statement by Secretary of State John Kerry on the National Day of Human Trafficking Awareness

Congress designated January 11 as the National Day of Human Trafficking Awareness in 2007, targeting a problem with an estimated 20 million victims in every corner of the world.

Human trafficking continues today to be a threat to freedom and stability, undermining the rule of law, scarring communities, and degrading the rights of individuals.

We must not waver in our resolve to combat this crime.

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Welcome to the official Google+ page for the U.S. Department of State.
The U.S. Department of State welcomes you to its Google+ page, featuring the latest official videos, photos, blog entries and news about U.S. foreign policy.  Content includes remarks by Secretary Kerry, daily press briefings, special video collections based on U.S. foreign policy issues, and candid interviews of U.S. diplomats. Comment Policy.