Direct Line: Doing Business in Ecuador in the Post-Correa Era

Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs
February 21, 2017

Topic: Doing Business in Ecuador in the Post-Correa Era

Host: Todd C. Chapman, U.S. Ambassador, Embassy of the United States Quito, Ecuador

Date, time, time zone: Tuesday, February 21, 2017; 11:00 am - 12:00 pm EST

Brief Description of Call: The U.S. Embassy in Quito invites U.S. companies of all sizes to participate in a Direct Line Webinar to discuss expectations for Ecuador’s investment and business climate in the post-Correa era. Following presidential elections scheduled for February 19 a new president will take office in May. Join Ambassador Todd C. Chapman via webinar for a discussion of new opportunities and challenges to doing business in Ecuador as a result of the upcoming change in administration.

Please RSVP by February 19, 2017 by clicking here.

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