Data Visualization

Global Viewer

Global viewer screenshot

View the latest near-realtime GPM IMERG global precipitation datasets (30 minute, 1 day, 7 day) on an interactive 3D globe in your web browser.



Precipitation and Applications Viewer

Precip apps screenshot

View and download various precipitation and applications datasets from the past 60 days (30 minute, 1 day, 3 day, 7 day precipitation, floods nowcast, landslides nowcast). Download datasets in various popular formats (TIF, SHP, arcJSON, geoJSON, topoJSON) and learn how to directly access the data via the PMM Publisher API.



STORM Event Viewer

STORM Event viewer screenshot

View 2D GMI and 3D DPR data from the latest extreme weather events on an interactive 3D globe in your web browser.



NASA Worldview

Screenshot of NASA Worldview

This tool from NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) provides the capability to interactively browse global, full-resolution satellite imagery and then download the underlying data, including data from the Global Precipitation Measurement Missions.



GES DISC Giovanni

Giovanni screenshot

This website from the NASA GES DISC provides a powerful tool for viewing, analyzing, and downloading multiple Earth science datasets (including TRMM and GPM) from within your web browser. This tools is capable of generating custom time averaged maps, animations, multi-variable correlations, regional subsetting, and much more.