IT Dashboard

Federal US Chief Information Officer (CIO), Office of Management and Budget

Analyze and Evaluate a Portfolio of Over 7,000 Federal Information Technology Investments

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Launch IT Dashboard

The Challenge

The Federal government invests over $70B per year in information technology (IT). Far too often, these investments fail to deliver on their plans without adequate intervention or warning, resulting in billions of wasted taxpayer dollars.

The Solution

The IT Dashboard gives the public and agency leaders unprecedented visibility into the operations and performance of Federal IT investments, and the ability to provide direct feedback to those accountable. By making these data publicly available in a way the American people can easily understand, the IT Dashboard puts extra eyes on federal information technology initiatives and puts taxpayers in a position to better hold their government accountable for progress and results.

The Benefit

By showing the American people how and where the government spends their money on information technology, the IT Dashboard empowers the public as a stakeholder in managing Federal IT investments. Moving these data into public view and displaying them on a common platform, agencies are incentivized to report high-quality and timely data. And because this platform serves as the authoritative source for IT performance reporting across the government, it provides context for everyone and draws clear lines of expectations and accountability.

Additional Details

Some of the additional features of the IT Dashboard in the pipeline include:

  • Earned Value Management (EVM) analysis for investments where applicable, as additional data are provided by agencies
  • Additional features for filtering and aggregating data
  • Historical performance of major investments over time
  • Agency-generated content, such as widgets or mash-ups using IT Dashboard data
  • Personal portfolios: create your own portfolio of investments to watch and subscribe to updates to these investments
  • New data elements to be used for more advanced investment analysis
  • More detailed contracts data: linking more investment data to awarded contracts

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