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Green Honors

  • FY2009 HHS Green Champions Award Winner: Best Organization

    This award was given to our entire Institute for our Commitment to Sustainability.

    The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) launched a public campaign detailing its commitment to sustainable practices in lab, office, and campus programs. This public evaluation sparked greater employee and public awareness. Highlights include accomplishments such as 1.3% energy consumption reduction, 25% water use reduction, 43% chemical waste reduction, zero-waste move of 300 employees and 27% participation rate in alternative workplace and commuting factor.


  • FY2010 HHS Green Champions Award Honorable Mention: Environmental Stewardship

    This award recognized NIEHS for Waste Diversion through Composting.

    The NIEHS food waste program diverted 15,790 pounds of pre and post-consumer cafeteria waste from a landfill to an offsite composting facility surpassing FY 2010 EMS goal of 10,000 pounds and coming closer to meeting Executive Order 13514 waste diversion requirements. Combining efforts for joint waste pickup with other organizations saved time, gas, and money while reducing GHG emissions incurred for separate trips. Compost returned to the site is used as mulch in shrubbery beds.

    This program was designed and supported by multiple groups at the NIEHS who located a local compost vendor, created displays and volunteered as monitors to assist with proper recycling and disposal methods. The enhanced composting efforts and subsequent onsite reuse of composted materials embraces the spirit of our sustainability program and commitment to reducing our environmental footprint.

  • Wildlife and Industry Together Certification

    Wildlife and Industry Together (WAIT) is a North Carolina Wildlife Federation program that encourages the protection and enhancement of wildlife on industrial or commercial lands. In 2005, NIEHS was the first organization in the Research Triangle Park to become WAIT certified. We remain committed to this important program and look for new ways to protect, enhance and support over 320 acres of undeveloped land and a 23-acre lake.

    Our wildlife enhancements include butterfly gardens and bat boxes as well as nest boxes for multiple bird species including bluebirds, purple martins and wood ducks. Through our efforts, our campus remains a sanctuary for native wildlife including but not limited to deer, beavers, otters, woodchucks, herons, geese, yellow bellied slider turtles, box turtles, five lined skinks, amphibians and insets and visual confirmation of over 100 species of birds.