Your Gateway to U.S. Federal Science Selected Science Information is a gateway to 200 million pages of government science information. Websites: searches an index of over 2200 agency-selected sites

Agriculture & Food- Food Safety, Gardening, Pesticides, Veterinary Science …
AGRICOLA - National Agricultural Library citation index including many abstracts
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) - Food, nutrition, drugs, biologics, medical devices and cosmetics information from FDA
Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System (TEKTRAN) - Selected prepublication of recent research results from the Agricultural Research Service
USDA Food and Nutrition Center - Food and human nutrition information and resources
Applied Science & Technologies - Biotechnology, Electronics, Engineering, Transport …
DOT National Transportation Library Integrated Search - Includes TRIS and NTL Digital Repository
DTIC Science & Technology Database - DTIC Technical Reports Collection
National Institute of Standards and Technology Data Gateway - Gateway to databases available through NIST
U.S. Patent & Trademark Office Database - Patent database with fulltext coverage, 2000 to present
Astronomy & Space - Exploration, Planets, Space Technologies …
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) - Citations and fulltext reports of aerospace documents, articles and conferences
NASA Website - Aeronautics and space resources
SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) - Abstracts of astronomy, physics, astrophysics, instrumentation and related literature
Biology & Nature - Animals & Plants, Ecology, Genetics, Pest Control …
National Invasive Species Information Center (NISIC) - Invasive species reference gateway from the National Agricultural Library
Earth & Ocean Sciences - Land, Maps, Natural Disasters, Oceans, Weather …
Atmospheric Science Data Center - NASA earth science data
USGS Publications Warehouse - Fulltext reports and bibliographic records for USGS publications
Energy & Energy Conservation - Energy Use, Fossil Fuel, Solar, Wind …
DOE Alternative Fuels and Advanced Vehicles Data Center - Range of information and resources to enable use of alternative fuels
DOE Public Gateway to Energy & Science (PAGESBeta) - Journal articles and accepted manuscripts from DOE research funding, a product of the National Library of EnergyBeta
EIA Publications - Energy Information Reports, 1993 to present
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) - Website on renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies
SciTech Connect - DOE R&D fulltext reports and bibliographic records, a product of the National Library of EnergyBeta
Environment & Environmental Quality - Air/Water/Noise Quality, Cleanup, Climate Change …
EPA Pesticides Factsheets - From EPA Office of Pesticide Programs database
EPA Science Inventory - Searchable database of EPA science activities and scientific and technical products
HSDB Hazardous Substances Databank - Toxicology data file on human exposure, industrial hygiene, emergency handling procedures
Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) - Risk information from EPA on environmental contaminants
National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP) - One stop gateway to EPA publications including the NEPIS database
General Science - Multidisciplinary resources …
National Technical Information Service (NTIS) - Catalog of over one million information products from across government and disciplines
Health & Medicine - Disease, Health Care, Nutrition, Mental Health … - Cancer-related information for all audiences from NIH's National Cancer Institute
Center for Drug Evaluation (CDER) - Drug evaluation information from the FDA - Clinical trial information and status from the National Library of Medicine (NLM)
FDA Compliance Programs (CBER) - FDA regulation of biological and related products
MedlinePlus - Health information on a wide variety of topics from NLM
PubMed - NLM's bibliographic database covering various medical disciplines
PubMed Central - NLM's free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature
TOXLINE Toxicology Literature Online - Records for biochemical, pharmacological, physiological and toxicological effects of chemicals
Math, Physics & Chemistry - Physical Science resources
DOE Data Explorer - DOE-sponsored scientific research data, a product of the National Library of EnergyBeta
DOepatents - Patents resulting from DOE R&D, a product of the National Library of EnergyBeta
DOE Public Gateway to Energy & Science (PAGESBeta) - Journal articles and accepted manuscripts from DOE R&D, a product of the National Library of EnergyBeta
DOE R&D Accomplishments Database - DOE and DOE contractor facility accomplishments, a product of the National Library of EnergyBeta
Energy Science and Technology Software Center (ESTSC) - DOE-funded scientific and technical software, a product of the National Library of EnergyBeta
Eprint Network - Scientific e-prints, a product of the National Library of EnergyBeta
SciTech Connect - DOE R&D fulltext reports and bibliographic records, a product of the National Library of EnergyBeta
Multimedia Resources
Library of Congress Glass Negatives from the Papers of Wilbur and Orville Wright - Images of early aviation experiments from Prints & Photographs Online Catalog
Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey - Collection of science and technology-related images from Prints & Photographs Online Catalog
MedlinePlus Videos and Tools - Health videos on a wide variety of topics
NASA Video Gallery - Video resources from NASA
NIX NASA Image Exchange - Searches NASA's online multimedia collections
NOAA Photo Library - Images of weather, space, shore and coastal seas, and thousands of marine species
NSF Multimedia Gallery - Images from the National Science Foundation's multimedia gallery
ScienceCinema - Multimedia leading-edge research from DOE
USDA Plant Image Gallery - Photos and line drawings of U.S. plants, including many cultivated or foreign taxa
USGS Multimedia Gallery - One-stop USGS collection of photography and other imagery
Natural Resources & Conservation - Ecosystems, Energy Resources, Forest Science, Mining …
Treesearch - Publications and paper by R&D scientists within the USDA Forest Service
USFS Data Catalog - US Forest Service research data archive
Science Education - Homework Help, Teaching Aids, Science Internships …
Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)- Bibliographic records and fulltext of journal articles and other education-related materials
NSF Publications Database - Publications produced by the National Science Foundation
Federal Regulations and Legislation
Code of Federal Regulations 2014 (CFR)
Code of Federal Regulations 2013 (CFR)
Code of Federal Regulations 2012 (CFR)
Code of Federal Regulations 2011 (CFR)
Code of Federal Regulations 2010 (CFR)
Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
THOMAS, 113th Congress - Legislative information from the Library of Congress, 2013-2014
THOMAS, 112th Congress - Legislative information from the Library of Congress, 2011-2012
THOMAS, 111th Congress - Legislative information from the Library of Congress, 2009-2010