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Publications - Mind Over Matter

Showing 1 - 10 of 11 Results

Mind Over Matter: Anabolic Steroids

Published January 1997. Revised January 2009.

Explains to young teens how anabolic steroids affect the brain and body and disrupt normal hormone function. En Español

Mind Over Matter: Cocaine

Published January 1997. Revised January 2009.

Explores with young teens how cocaine changes the way nerve cells communicate in the brain and the negative effects the drug can have on the body. En Español

Mind Over Matter: Complete Set

Revised January 2009.

A complete set of all nine Mind Over Matter booklets—The Brain's Response to: Cocaine, Hallucinogens, Inhalants, Marijuana, Methamphetamine, Nicotine, Opiates, Prescription Drugs, and Steroids. En Español

Mind Over Matter: Hallucinogens

Published January 1997. Revised January 2009.

Explains to young teens how hallucinogens affect the brain’s communication centers as well as its ability to control sleep and emotions. En Español

Mind Over Matter: Inhalants

Published January 1997.

Describes to young teens how inhalants, such as hair spray, gasoline, and spray paint, can cause nerve cell damage in the brain that can affect the body in many ways. En Español

Mind Over Matter: Marijuana

Published January 1997. Revised August 2014.

Explains to young teens how THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, causes changes in the brain that affect memory, emotions, balance, and judgment. En Español

Mind Over Matter: Methamphetamine

Published October 2000.

Explains to young teens how methamphetamine acts in the body and the brain and what happens with long-term use of the drug. En Español

Mind Over Matter: Nicotine

Published January 1998.

Describes to young teens how nicotine affects the entire body and discusses dependency, treatment, and effects of long-term nicotine use. En Español

Mind Over Matter: Opioids

Published January 1997. Revised September 2014.

Describes to young teens how opioids, such as Vicodin, morphine, heroin, and codeine, affect the brain—including the limbic system—and the nervous system. En Español

Mind Over Matter: Prescription Drugs

Published January 2009.

Explains to young teens how prescription drugs, when used improperly, can cause addiction and other harmful health problems. En Español


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