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Winter Weather

Are You Ready For Winter?

Winter in Minnesota can be described in many ways, but unpredictable isn’t one of them.

At some point, it will snow and temperatures will drop below zero. There will be ice on the roads. High winds will raise the risk of being outdoors from hazardous to life-threatening.
The best way to avoid the hazards is to stay warm and cozy indoors, but it’s tough to stay cooped up for months — and even staying indoors for long periods carries risks. Problems can arise with indoor air, and fire risks increase dramatically in the winter.

Are your ready for it?  Do you know how to stay warm, safe and happy all winter?

Well, fear not. Surviving — even enjoying — the winter season is not as hard as it looks to the uninitiated.

To help Minnesotans and visitors handle winter-weather threats, HSEM, with support from partner agencies, has created the Winter Hazard Awareness information campaign.

The campaign kicks off in early November  with Winter Hazard Awareness Week, and continues through the season on this website with updates, timely facts and tips.  The web links listed here address some of the most common topics. Each page contains tips, fact sheets, data and links to additional resources. Refer to these pages throughout the season, and check back for updates and added resources.