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U.S. Marshals Service Banner

Student Loan Information 

The U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) is not involved in the collection of federal student loans. The USMS, among other things, is the enforcement arm of federal courts. In that capacity, the USMS serves civil process on individuals and executes arrest warrants as directed by federal courts. When an individual who has been served with civil process fails to appear at a scheduled court hearing and the presiding judge issues an arrest warrant, the USMS will seek the individual; make an arrest pursuant to the Court’s Order and bring the individual before the Court.

If you find court documents affixed to your front door, or court documents regarding you are left with another occupant of the residence, it is imperative that you contact your nearest United States Marshals Office office.

Failure to appear at your scheduled court hearing may result in the federal court issuing an arrest warrant for you.

You may use the contact information and other federal resources available through this website to assist you with this matter.




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USMS District Offices is an official site of the U.S. Federal Government, U.S. Department of Justice