MCC Hotline: Report Fraud or Corruption

Section 614 of the Millennium Challenge Act of 2003 designates the Inspector General of the U.S. Agency for International Development as the inspector general for the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC). This designation authorizes USAID OIG to review, inspect, audit, and investigate MCC programs and operations worldwide. Under the Inspector General Act of 1978, USAID OIG operates independently of the agencies for which it has oversight authority.

This web page can be used to report waste, fraud, abuse, corruption, and other concerns regarding the programs and operations of MCC as well as the various established Millennium Challenge Accounts. The Inspector General Act and other pertinent laws provide for the protection of persons making hotline complaints. The web form below provides you with the option to report complaints in two ways: to both MCC and OIG or only to OIG. The second option below is to report fraud, corruption, or criminal misconduct directly to OIG, in which case, your complaint will ONLY be delivered to USAID OIG. Regardless of how you choose to submit your report, you have the option to do so anonymously or to request that your information be treated confidentially.


Please select from the following:


Information About You (leave this section blank to report anonymously)


Information About Allegation

Does this allegation directly involve funding provided by a Millennium Challenge Account Entity (MCA) or MCC?             

If no, you should contact the appropriate local authorities.

Please select at least one of the following subject areas which describes the allegation:

Does this allegation include an allegation of wrongdoing by an MCC or MCA employee?


Description of the Allegation

To help us properly process the allegation, please provide responses to the following:

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