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The Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs offers a broad range of services to a variety of constituencies and stakeholder groups. Dedicated to facilitating the flow of information between the Department and all constituencies, our office provides the following services.

Congressional Affairs

Serving as a central point of contact for interactions on congressional matters, our congressional affairs team offers expertise in coordinating and directing the legislative programs of the Department, as well as the significant relationships between Departmental officials and Members of Congress. Providing counsel, advice, and support to the Secretary of Energy and senior Departmental managers on all congressional initiatives, Congressional Affairs experts also manage the Senate confirmation process for the Department’s Presidential appointments, coordinate the appearances of Departmental witnesses at Congressional hearings, and ensure the efficient and timely notification of Departmental activities to congressional stakeholders.

Intergovernmental and External Affairs

The Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs serves as the Departmental interface for state, tribal and local governments to ensure easy and timely access to relevant programs, technological assistance, funding opportunities and other DOE resources.  The IGEA team seeks to proactively engage with elected leaders, their staff, related associations and relevant stakeholders to ensure that their views are considered as part of the Department's decision making process.  These experts also provide oversight of the Department’s Indian Policy implementation, and monitor state, local and tribal energy trends and legislative developments which could impact the Department's activities with stakeholders.