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ORWH stimulates and encourages basic, translational, and clinical research on the role of sex and gender in health and disease and sets NIH research priorities in diseases, disorders, and conditions that primarily affect women.

NIH Strategic Goals for Women's Health

Guiding NIH's efforts in this area are six goals outlined in its strategic plan, Moving into the Future with New Dimensions and Strategies for Women's Health Research: A Vision for 2020 for Women's Health Research:

  1. Increase sex differences research in basic science studies
  2. Incorporate findings of sex/gender differences in the design and application of new technologies, medical devices, and therapeutic drugs
  3. Actualize personalized prevention, diagnostics, and therapeutics for girls and women
  4. Create strategic alliances and partnerships to maximize the domestic and global impact of women's health research
  5. Develop and implement new communication and social networking technologies to increase understanding and appreciation of women's health and wellness research
  6. Employ innovative strategies to build a well-trained, diverse, and vigorous health research workforce