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MESA Archives: "Coral Gardens of the Aleutians" Underwater Video

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picture of sea floor from video

Journey deep beneath the cold waters of the Aleutian Island archipelago to explore the rich abundance of life on the sea floor.

In July 2002, NOAA scientists and researchers from around the country began their study of possible habitat disturbance.  To better understand the highly structured ecosystem of diverse corals, sponges, fishes, crabs and other invertebrates, 36 sites were explored using the two-person Delta submarine (pictured below).

Capable of diving to depths of 1200 feet, the Delta allowed its crew to conduct research and capture the vivid scenes for this video.

The "Coral Gardens of the Aleutians" streaming video, which runs for 6:44 minutes, is available for viewing on our  Multimedia Gallery.

Also please note that viewing this video requires Adobe Flash Player installed on your computer.

picture of Delta submarine Movie Credits:

Dr. Jon Heifetz, NMFS, Auke Bay Laboratory
Bob Stone, NMFS, Auke Bay Laboratory
Patrick Malecha, NMFS, Auke Bay Laboratory
Dean Courtney, NMFS, Auke Bay Laboratory
Dr. Bruce Wing, NMFS, Auke Bay Laboratory
Anne Simpson, University of Maine
Alberto Lindner, Duke University
Crew of the F/V Velero IV
Sheela McLean, NMFS, Alaska Regional Office
Katie Bausler, Writer / Narrator
Mark Sabel, editor, Sabel Media

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