OSTI Strategic Plan

The U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information 2015-2019 Strategic Plan highlights OSTI’s renewed focus on providing comprehensive access to the results of DOE research and development investments.  We have streamlined the portfolio of our public-facing web products to make it easier to find DOE’s R&D results, and we are working to ensure our collections and portals reflect the complete R&D output of DOE.


The OSTI Strategic Plan organizes our goals around the sequential and process-oriented nature of OSTI’s business, including the collection, preservation, and dissemination of scientific and technical information emanating from DOE R&D efforts.  An extremely exciting element of the Plan is implementation of public access to the peer-reviewed scholarly publications resulting from DOE R&D funding.


This Plan is intended to give OSTI strategic focus and discipline, but it is fluid and dynamic and will be adapted and updated as unforeseen conditions and opportunities arise.  Above all, OSTI is committed to serving DOE and the American public, and we will listen, respond, and act in your interest.


We sincerely invite your review of the 2015-2019 OSTI Strategic Plan – and we welcome your feedback about our goals and strategic objectives: OSTIWebmaster@osti.gov.





Last updated on Thursday 02 June 2016