The Big Dry Arm Spring Storm in the Great Basin Red Cliffs Desert Tortoise Reserve March Morning on the Platte River After a Spring Storm in the Great Basin Hunting Upland Birds at Kingsbury Lake Waterfowl Production Area Sandhill Migration on the Platte River Badlands Sunrise The Green River at Ouray NWR North Park Lupines Moab Sunset
PFW - Monitoring Efforts
Mountain-Prairie Region
Graphic button showing the 8 state mountain prairie region

Partners for Fish & Wildlife - Monitoring Efforts


Dotted Gay Feather, Flint Hills, Kansas. Credit: USFWS.

Dotted Gay Feather, Flint Hills, Kansas. Credit: USFWS.

Habitat Accomplishments FY2013

  • 11,208 acres of wetlands restored and enhanced
  • 150,588 acres of uplands restored and enhanced
  • 66 miles of in-stream and riparian restoration
  • 33 fish passage barriers
  • 767 landowner agreements
  • Cumulative Habitat Accomplishments FY1987-2013

Cumulative Habitat Accomplishments FY1987-2013

Wetlands restored or enhanced
229,253 acres

Uplands restored or enhanced
2,588,429 acres

In-stream and riparian habitat restored
2,624 miles

Fish Passage Barriers
152 Structures

These accomplishments were made possible by the voluntary participation of 16,214 Private Landowners.

Congratulations and thank you to our many partners, for 27 great years of restoring wildlife habitat together!


The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with Others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American People.
Last modified: April 28, 2015
All Images Credit to and Courtesy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Unless Specified Otherwise.
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