Don’t Stand by … Speak Up!

A concerned woman on the phoneAugust is National Bystander Awareness Month. As a bystander, you can play an essential role in preventing violence, wrongdoings, and fraud. Have you ever witnessed something that you knew was wrong and wondered if you should report it? Did you want to say something, but didn’t because you were afraid of negative consequences? Don’t be afraid, because there are federal laws to protect you.

Reporting information or activity that you suspect is illegal, dishonest, or false is your right. Reportable violations could be abuse of authority, gross waste of funds, a specific danger to public health or safety, or gross mismanagement.

Social Security’s programs were originally created to serve the American public, and 80 years later they still provide critical support to people of all ages. As good stewards of the tax dollars you entrust to us, we design our systems to protect the program against fraud, waste, and abuse.

But, our systems can’t catch everything. And that’s where you can help.

We need you to help us detect and deter fraud, waste, and abuse. Reporting wrongful acts can save lives and taxpayers dollars. Don’t let illegal or dishonest behavior happen on your watch. Learn what we are doing to fight fraud and how you can report fraud.

For more information about whistleblower protections, go to our OIG’s website.


93 thoughts on “Don’t Stand by … Speak Up!

  1. Hello my name is William Murphy. I’m been trying to finish my taxes, I was a student enrolled in college. I have been met with a huge challenge of being homeless and recovery from you process of family misfortune of numerous deaths . I come from a hard working family. I don’t have resources for the preparation of my taxes. With the inflation of the economy. I can’t afford to pay my way to get by. I was going to use the taxes from school to get what place. I’m also trying to get certain forms into the internal Revenue service to claim the benefits of my father who was disabled and eventually died and trying to get the benefits. I have been trying to deal with this and the depression of missing the one’s I love, I could really use some help.
    Sincerely William.

    • There r many places that will help you file your taxes for free under your circumstances hr block may help you or there is another company I known for a fact that will do it for free aarp helps me out every year and does mine. As far as your father go to the social security office and see if you qualify for his benefits

      • there is also the volunteer income tax assistance programme where people (i used to be a vita volunteer when i was in college and now i teach college business), will prepare your taxes for free if you are poor, disabled, or elderly

    • Hi William, we are sorry to hear of the inconveniences you had to experience. For any income tax related questions, you will need to contact the IRS. Their toll-free number is 1-800-829-1040. For information on Social Security benefits, you can call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213. Representatives are available Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. We hope this information helps.

    • William, you look young and healthy. Unfortunately, life isn’t always fair, and we most of us know, we have had challenges, large and small to overcome. You need to persevere, work hard and maybe not look to the government to bail you out.

        • Sounded like that to me also. William is attending college but doesn’t take the time to Google “free tax help”?? Yet he comes to this site to say he cannot afford to file. Maybe don’t take one class cause books cost over $100 and get the late taxes filed. Its not Rocket Science. Sorry but the SS Admin makes it too easy for disability benefits!
          Goes to college but wants others benefits! Gee my daughter worked through college as did I.

          • However, those who TRULY need disability benefits, I truly support. Many here have had difficult issues to deal with. However, there are some spoilers who have drug addiction and alcoholism history who easily get benefits yet those with a major disease like Chrons or Lupus or Heart issues have a hard time getting help. Why don’t SS Admin clean house and check up on those who use drug addiction as a “disability”. It’s NOT because one can choose to be sober. I have a nephew who brags about going to Power House gym 6x weekly and he gets disability at age 36. HE CAN WORK IF HE CAN LIFT WEIGHTS. SS needs to check all those ppl and then help the ones who are TRULY disabled like William who needs help.

  2. There are certain people that will always take something that is intended to benefit the majority of honest and ethical people and pervert and corrupt it to gain personal profit

    • What are you people talking about! How dare you judge someone who reached out for help. Did anyone think that that person cared for another & gave his best, as they waited for help to arrive, of which cost everything ,including his Fathers life. I am devastated to here all speak that way! Such a Hypocritical Shame!

      • You never know when life will throw a curve ball… I grieved with death of loved ones and at the same time I was in an explosion that gave me a spinal injury for the rest of my life. I paid my dues as a working machine for a building engineering Union which grossed 1500$ a week and took home 600$ after all deductions. I paid for many and still raised a family. I’m alone now. I’m sick.. I’m hurt … The only way to help me is what I did to help others in my journey of life. I am on government payroll and you judge me and or others? Stick it!!! Never thought I would hurt or be sick… God bless you judge mental a&@- h#%^*’s… And good luck for your not guaranteed tomorrow !!! See if you need a hand! Thank you, Uncle Sam. Trying hard to figure out my life right now. That’s how tough it is…..

      • im a mid 30’s female struggling with diagnosed mental disorders and also going back and forth with doctors and citizens constantly bickering with each other about my befits I receive. every single day I’m out trying to pick myself up from life”s up’s and downs. it is not anyone’s place to say I shouldn’t have it… I’m trying to pick myself up from the ground and start again. not being the first time I add… please don’t judge anyone for their age race gender if you don’t know this person genuinely or personally why do you feel you have the say so to take our benefits away when we can’t have a normal job because of physical or mental issues what ever the case may be. if you don’t understand or can comprehend what this person or persons feel or are going through then don’t try to fix it it’s beyond your understanding and you not want to have an open mind. this is judgment from people that have no place… GOD will do his job so let him work his wonders and blessings.. For instance’ say you reported someone which caused them to lose everything! Car,Home, money, so no food no clothes, possibly leading to homelessness. totally crushing their self-worth, self respect, adding more to mental disorders and if physically challenged how will they live after such a blow because you started something that should have been left alone. sit back and think if someone or people did this to you… how would you react? you knowing you had the right to have everything you got and built up on your own working hard for every part in your life! don’t worry about the next persons position if you have no clues why they have what they have. you could ruin everything some might lead to deadly reactions. don’t expresses hateful ideas or judge. I know their are countless people out in this world that cause fraud which mess everything up for those that desperately need and deserve to have these benefits let them be to apply for such things but, I would say make sure you have all the information and clues straight and in place before you blow the whistle! unless you plan to house a homeless person after the consequences of you putting them in the streets or homeless shelters… I pray for this world at night and in the day to express compassion. use your time and effort to lift people up not drag them down lend a helping hand that could turn their world around and do more for themselves they didn’t think they would ever have then see what wonders and miracles come about after kindness sets in… God Bless do what is right not out of spite!!!

        • Wow, it was as if I read my life right here. Its hard starting over with a young a teenage daughter in the only choice as housing. Broke and almost to homeless or death orchestrated and unprovable.

          • Maybe you and your daughter can qualify for the low income housing assistance program. I think it’s through the Medicaid program. Sadly, you have to find landlords who also are part of the program but Michigan has a good program.

        • The important thing you miss, is the fact that people who loose their benefits from SS.,are attempting to defraud the very organization, that every working individual in this country has contributed to..And from experience , the lose of benefits is a lot less punishment than, any other government agency

  3. Seeing as how our government has “borrowed” most of the SS funds for other things and we are in trouble for funds in the future and Congress keeps failing to pay back our funds, why do we not put the whole congress on Social Security. They would quickly find a way to reimburse the SS fund and pass laws to forbid this from ever happening again. No more “serve once and get retirement for life”. Our SS System would be saved.
    I served 2

      • I totally agree they have to pay them back no more dodging paying back the funds that they took out we don’t need to suffer for there doing

    • At their rate of pay and free medical, everything always paid in full. Congress, Represenatives, Senators, Legislators, all would have social security payments 7-10 thousand a month, so would not miss the 104.00 taken for medicare or the 20% they would have to pay. They would not need to seek subsidized housing to have shelter cause thiier homes are already paid for and so are their limo services, Oh and they retire with full insurance benefits paid in full, with cars, planes at their disposal for the rest of their little pampered lives. all at the taxpayers, you and I that worked grueling hours for our petty little SS stipend checks.

    • Mr. Rosie
      congress is so engrossed in taking care of congress that they’ll not give up the perks until we clean house.
      the ball is in our court.
      but let’s keep those with a record of doing the country’s business.

    • are we getting a raise this year. they say we are going broke but if they cut ss how we’ll they pay for ssi or Medicaid which they pay out of ss. why do we sent money oversea and can’t take care of our elders and disable.?

      • Hi Cora, if you’re referring to the Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) for 2016, we will know that information in late October, when the increase in the Consumer Price Index as determined by the Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics is announced. As always, we will keep you informed.

    • No matter what anyone says ..there will always be a SSA ,I don’t care what anyone says.You only wish the stock market knew HOW the SSI does it so they can copy and never watch Dow jones go down again..Are people working? Are you able to count how many are paying into it ? much more in world to be grateful for and i know i am blessed to have SSD but it will be there even in your great great grandchildren would have to need it ..relax ..

  4. I am 50 years old, worked since I was 15 and for the last 25 years with A chrinic illness. still I cannot receive disability so I work. The person I lease from for my work does not even pay property taxes let alone federal or ss or and tax so why am I working and paying taxes, I am A single father who takes responsabilty very seriously I wish more people would!

    • Good for you for working through your pain and with pain. Pain and growing older is a part of life, one we can not change but we can keep the reason to get up in the morning and get dressed. WORK, we all need something and if we can do anything at all we should be made to do it if they can. If it is only 4 hours a day that can be done then it should be supplemented. Keep working, trust me, not working makes you more lazy. Disability is for those truly disabled not for those who just experience pain in the back, knees, etc. No wonder we are going broke.

    • You need to get you head out and find another Job. In case no one has told you, you must pay into, S.S. before you can apply for benefits also applies to Disability. Are you paying in to you own account, and are you paying self employment tax, You are responsible for that if you work as a contractor.


    • So aware of this, I live in Senior housing they have ddetermined we have no need for a social worker assigned to our building. Even when assigned I had to call Aging & disability at Capitol to get her off —- on feet to come take an elders intake, it took 2 years of advocacy work to get that elder taken care of. I called for someone else it took 3 months before she showed up at my door unannounced, I invited her in then reamed her out for not doing her work, showing up unannounced, she then tried to tell me I would need a Doctors home visit, she had not heard or understood me when I told her it was not for me but another person and no the person does not need a home visit and no anyone can go and buy a lift chair when needed. Uneduacated does not speak English fluently and apparently does not understand fluently spoken English either. We need English speaking people for public servant work.

    • YOU DON”T HAVE TO BE wow so upset .. you all are going before your time.. man ..Can just one be grateful we have access to something like this when some don’t even have water? And they denied my medicine i need for a mutation of MTJFR but if i get excited i could have a breathing attack . I live on 850 a month and watch folks around me on 1200 a month and could not possibly remember them even working but yea ..God’s will .and i am sure if there are scammers they will be caught up with . Time heals all ..and Prayer .. please ..pray .

  6. Why are we taxed on our SS retirement income? We were already taxed on our income when SS percent was deducted from our payroll checks. This is our SS money that was withheld from our payroll checks for our retirement. It seems we are being double taxed.

    • Why? Because people keep voting for Democrats, that is why. They love to spend, and confiscate your earnings and control people.

      • I beg the differ regarding the reason we pay taxes on ss because of the democrats. Go back and research the history of why we pay before during and after for SSI. Thanks

      • actually it was republicans that decided to tax higher income social security recipients and i am a republican and I admit this

      • People keep voting for Republicans who provide billions in welfare to major corporations. If you don’t believe me, just google “major corporations that pay no taxes”. It’ll not only make you cry, it’ll make you stop voting Republican.

  7. SS money belongs to the people and should be a trust account and not spent for anything other than social security. Invested with minimum risk, maybe. Borrowed not okay, especially by the government who cannot pay its own bills, much less pay back a loan.

  8. Several years ago I complained when a doctor I had seen twice but stopped seeing, put in a claim and was paid for a flu shot. Medicare said there was no national system but four regional systems and four people could file for the same thing and get paid. I had to go to my congressman to get action…took eight but the doctor repaid Medicare. That’s not the worst part, a couple of years later that same doctor put in a claim for a hospital visit on Christmas day and was paid. I had to go back to my congressman to get it refunded. I did my job, why doesn’t the govenment do its job of policing the claims?

    • :Until we get back to the way it was in the good old days, Social Security will always be around for the moochers of society to scam. Social Security is one of the biggest Ponzi schemes in the world. If it was not the U.S. government doing it, it would be illegal.

      • Too true – but government workers do not care enough to verify – they just get paid to shuffle papers, and supervisors go on expensive jaunts at taxpayer expense!

        • Yep, you are SO right, the THOUSANDS of supervisors in all the field offices , call centers, at the Baltimore headquarters, all got to go on these luxurious jaunts. are you out of your mind ? don’t blindly persecute all for the crimes of a few. was it wrong, yes. was it all of them ? no.
          You want to blame “all” look at the heads of the bailed out banks and auto industry, THEY abused it. but they aren’t government workers, so why attack them ?
          side note, this has to do with this topic how ? Were you the news outlet that broke that story ?

    • If you know someone who you think is defrauding S.S. call your nearest office,and file a complaint with the enforcement officer .

  9. Just remember this can also be used by someone who has an ax to grind and reports non truths slandering the person who has done nothing wrong. SS needs to vet this out as reputations and false accusations can ruin a persons reputation and livelihood.

    • am sure you are suggesting we report fraud, waste and abuse by our fellow private sector citizens (brothers, sisters, neighbors, etc) as reporting such activities against fellow public sector government personnel will result in a destroyed career, threats of prosecution, and other strong arm tactics if those involved are general officers or high ranking govt civilians! Internal government whistleblowers who take this advice better do a lot of research first. Read such example as Blowing into the Wind or the books available at for how the process really works.

  10. “Murder She Wrote on 10603 E. Fanfol Ln Scottsdale AZ 85258 USA” hello, I’m born Canadian Citizen that I
    married a KIDNAP-US Citizen’s held hostage for ransom and killed for her money at US FEDERAL and Superior Courts-Maricopa County AZ. Details: on the Web at = Facts +.

  11. I am sure you are suggesting we report fraud, waste and abuse by our fellow private sector citizens (brothers, sisters, neighbors, etc) as reporting such activities against fellow public sector government personnel will result in a destroyed career, threats of prosecution, and other strong arm tactics if those involved are general officers or high ranking govt civilians! Internal government whistleblowers who take this advice better do a lot of research first. Read such example as Blowing into the Wind or the books available at for how the process really works.

    • Ps: I bet there were many who attrmpted to blow the whistle on Hillariy’s illegal server but their probably in hiding too!

  12. There are lots of people that have jumped on the disability band wagon. It used to be SS had people check on their disability to see if they still qualify. I think that should still be done and if they are NOT permanently disabled Guess what they can go to work at something. I know people that work and they have no arms or legs. I think this society has become very lazy and they just don’t want to work. I don’t care to keep supporting them. Benefits are to be earned NOT given. There are NO free lunches. I think they are in for a huge surprise though when they start cutting.

      My husband of 29 yrs & his 1st wife separated after 6 yrs. She agreed to divorce in 1983, 1 wk after10 yr anniversary. FLA awarded her $1,070/mo perm alimony, 1/2 all home costs & 1/2 of his then accrued pension on his $37,500 salary.
      She worked 4 yrs total as receptionist yet receives over $2,000/mo SS disability. Now he is told she is eligible for:
      A – 1/2 of his SS monthly retirement benefit now, even though HE can’t feasibly collect until 72 as raising our 6 yr old grandson w/out assistance;
      B – her $2,000+/mo SS disability (she’s never had dependent) AND
      C – his $1,070/mo perm alimony.
      Her boyfriend of 32 yrs is, ironically, a FLA state employee.
      Since ’83, she has continuously enjoyed a ZERO TAX OBLIGATION income, sole ownership of their former 3,000 sq ft (paid) lakefront home, 2 or 3 paid off cars & a small cash business. It costs a min $8,000 to again retain a decent, experienced FLA attorney to revisit this matter, always followed by the court order to reimburse her associated legal costs & fees. We live in the southwest.
      She loves to brag that she would be stupid to get married. She’s right!
      This is a broken, sexist system from word GO, & it is outlined in the SSA publication ‘What Every Woman Should Know’
      Why IS the SSA brochure titled ‘What Every Woman Should Know’???

      Reply ↓

      • Briana, #2 and #3 can not both be paid at once, its one or the other.
        also, move on, seriously, don’t be so obsessed in what your spo’s ex does or doesn’t do, to know someone paid taxes or not is a bit crazy.
        lastly, it is entitled that , one would assume, do to targeting the baby boomer generation and prior, where in the wife was a home maker more often than not, and may not be savy to what all is available.
        Lastly, I believe the pamphlet it very clear that it applies to men and women.

    • Hi Joy, Just want to let you know that the law requires Social Security to conduct disability reviews periodically to see if individuals receiving disability benefits are still disabled. How often we review cases depends on the individual’s medical condition. Also, even though the Social Security Act sets out a very strict definition of disability, we have work provisions that can encourage people on disability to return to the work force and fulfill their desire to be productive.

  13. I got a 2.00 raise last yr I was so Happy I tried to buy a Gallon of milk but it was 3.00 a G pretty sad for all of us

  14. RE: Health and Welfare. 9th Draft. Hospitals & Asylums HA-26-7-15

    Not to trigger the toxic kneejerk countermeasures waste, fraud and abuse brings on in the psychological warriors of a tricked out two party system invoked by this unskillful article. These problems ,including organized criminal deprivation or relief benefits, i.e. continuing disability review, are too severe in FEMA to immediately treat upon Disaster Insurance and the Emergency Food Bank System without adequate moral preparation. Too bad, the Emergency Food Bank is the way to save. There is now a Section 111a Free Government Cell Phone, Discount Internet and Computer.

    Continuing disability review is waste, fraud and abuse personified. Charged with theft it is even more bureaucratically dangerous than politicized ineffective subversive “welfare fraud” offices. When dealing with crime, or when writing the law, it absolutely essential not to make or routinely use political institutions in honor of such an unsolved problem or personating the only meaningful phrase in the law.

    The proper way to process malfeasance is with a published legal brief that avoids service upon politically violent defendants ,inferior courts and pen traps. For instance, Rachel Carson ,wrote Silent Spring, to fight against indiscriminate pesticide use while secretly dying from breast cancer of unknown etiology. Her science may not have penetrated the USDA that is worse than ever in all regards, but the stressed out National Organic Program, but aside from keeping her cancer secret, and lobbying Congress, her book writing is what we want from the martyrs who lead us to right living.

    I realize Social Security Matters may have been created with Timothy’s warning that the law is for murderers, rapists and sodomists, but those sorts of persecutions are exactly what we are trying to protect against by reading and writing the law in almost all of our dealings with other humans. The important thing for Social Security Matters to understand is that they receive evidence from the public and if they want to do a good job and keep their head above water, they have a responsibility to respond to individual complainants and also a responsibility to formally respond to the popular opinions expressed in the blog.

    SSA has struggled long and hard to regain their right to write after that illegal toxic overpayment notice in 2011. Unredressed, we have come to think that SSA’s problem is that they cannot read. We do not want pen trap offices for killing bills. Bloggers submitting evidence want individual email responses and legal cases not criminal political institutions. Case in point, we need Social Security Matters to cover my 9th Edition of Health and Welfare to assure Congress of SSA support for the passage of the DIRT and OASDI WILL Acts that will save the DI Trust fund, finance the USPS and in 2017 balance the federal budget.

  15. Yes – Family & Friends are Most Important!
    Because in the end, government lets you down!!
    Example: Medicare pays Much Less than private insurance, so patient care is Much Less.
    And yes – this is my personal experience!!!

    • and WAYYY cheaper than private insurance. 104.90/mo. ? ill take that for roughly 80 % coverage. I work and pay 3 times that, and rarely get coverage that good.

  16. Hello I was wondering if you can help me with the Richmond payment center in California. For some reason they will not give the names or phone numbers to there managers or superiors. Please help, thank you so much for your time.

  17. My father died on 2010 and we have a US SSS card but i lost it. How we know my father is truly member of US SSS? can you found her name of list in US SSS ? ALEJANDRO MALOBO LIRAG my father name.

  18. Hello, my name is mary. My husband and I began receiving social securitiy and ssi in 1993, my ssi was only about 66 dollars, because I was married. I could not deal with living out of this. So in 2010, I founded a job, was sure rather I could do or not, but I tried, cause we had to lived and have a place to live. I call in to ssa on 8/2010 to let them know when I would begin working. they claim they would send me forms to file out. They did not come, so I call back. I was told to give them a bout five to ten business days. I did, it still did not come, so I call Baltimore, and they contact ssa in my town. I still did not get the papers. In 2013 I was told they needed all my check stubs from 9/2010. It cost me thirty dollars to get the copies. They told me,ssa, that they was cutting off my and my husband ssi and ssa, checks. they only took the ssi, checks which was 153 a month. they begin to take 78 dollars out of his ssa checks. I apeal because we could not afford this. They agreed to the appeal, but then they said my husband owe them over 14,000 dollar. he will finish paying them in 2026, my husband is 70 do the math. So you tell me what to do, when SSA is always right and never make mistakes. Thank you, for listening.

  19. New Subject re Privacy and Disclosure of Personal information to Private Companies by the SSA and/or Medi Care soliciting business to supply and sell medical wares and prosthetics etc. I am tired of receiving daily phone calls from these Organizations that are not Government representatives who know me by my name and probably have my SS # too besides my residence. Someone in OIG, SSA and OPM need to look into this Privacy issue violations. I never signed a waiver allowing any Government Personnel to release my personal data.

    May I also say that a number of these calls the people at the other end sound like their are from India and others you can hardly understand that they have such a thick accent.

    • Hi Bob, rest assured that your Social Security records are confidential and that we do not disclose information about any individual to other agencies or private companies, unless we have proper authorization or consent. Thanks!

    • Bob If any of those people call you again, ask them for their Federal employers #. More times than not they will hang up and not bother you again. If they are brave enough to give you a number, ask for registered owners name and address.

  20. Believe possible fraud by businesses offering body braces, since they offer ” We will take care of all your paperwork, etc. with Medicare.” Possibly no out of pocket monies from you. Possibly provide a doctor to sign your paperwork if your own will not.

  21. I worked for 23 years for Georgia state government and I have never been arrested or had a speeding ticket for that matter. I also worked for a short time with my 23 years working for state government with the state police which requires a stringent back ground check that takes up to 1 year to complete and most applicants don’t pass it. I am a brain tumor survivor and not all of the tumor was removed from my left frontal lobe which has made me disabled. I have witnessed things I never thought I would ever witness from a public servant and remember I myself was one for 23 years and I took my ethics and codes of conduct serious. I spoke out against a Psychologist and had my SSI taken from me along with a threatening letter saying in 3 years they will take away my SSD. What has happened to this nation?.

    • you need to contact the office of you political Representative ,whether Senator or Ho-Rep the both have people, who work with issues like this for their constituents…

  22. Dale Bainbridge on February 11, 2016 at 5:53 pm said:

    At the time I applied for SSI,I had severe back,hip and knee problems and could no longer work.I became homeless because I could not pay my rent.I lived in my car for 8 months,then with a stranger for about a year.I was then diagnosed with AML Leukemia.5 months before my court date,my lawyer convinced me to waive my back pay and she would talk a judge into reading my case and approving me early because of the cancer.Worse mistake I ever made.I lost nearly $30,000.!!3 months later I got my 1st monthly check and a HUD low income apt. For that I am thankful.But I regret giving up the backpay that could have fulfilled my dream of maybe buying an old farmhouse and having some chickens and a garden.If there was any way to reverse the waiver I would do it in a heart beat.I`m 61 yrs. old and would like to be happy the years I have left…

  23. I am trying to figure out if what is going on is fraud or not. My Father just passed away. He lived in montana with some friends in a small trailer and was very much disabled. Almost three years ago his wife, whom had been seeing another man, decided to throw my father out and leave him while he was in the hospital recovering from surgery. He ended up living with some friends in Texas then was shuffled to a friends home in Georgia and finally ended up in Montana for the last year and a half. While living her new boyfriend she had continuedd to withdraw half of his disability every month. Approx. 3-4 months ago he was in the hospital and was moved to a rehabilitation center. They called me becasue his wife told them I was his only surviving relative and she was not going to be responsible, because she thought he may owe money. So on his death bed they called me and I went to Montana and paid for his final arrangements. She is now spreading a lot of lies about how they were still in love and shes going to ge this benmefits and looking for a lawsuit anywhere she can dream one up. Isn’s that fraud?

    • It is fraud but if you tell that story to any one else they are going to label you as a disgruntled relative. You need to do a little due diligence and find out how long he was abused,and who was involved.If you contact S.S. and talk to them about spousal abuse, and fraud, think someone will want to know who was signing his checks while he was not in residence !

  24. How does a 24 year military(honorably); 90 possibly 100% rated VA disabled veteran get denied social security disability benefits? Does one need to be of a certain race, religion, color, or creed? (610)417-3139

    • First of all, we thank you for your service Randy. Please keep in mind that the Social Security Act sets out a very strict definition of disability, much different from the requirements for other government programs including veterans’ benefits. Social Security pays only for total disability. No benefits are payable for partial disability or short-term disability. Disability benefits are paid to people who are unable to work because of a medical condition that is expected to last one year or more or to end in death. Please see our Disability Planner: How We Decide If You Are Disabled, for more information. Thanks

      • Ray just a question about this post.Is the situation of being basically a civil servant without any withholding being paid, have anything to do with his app. for benefits?

  25. My sister and I were born and raised in the Netherlands and qualify to receive AOW, like Dutch Social Security. We sent the original correct paperwork to the local Social Security office who are to forward it to Baltimore, forwarding it to the Netherlands (please note, there are no documents for them to fill out). At the same time the Netherlands received a copy as well as Baltimore, who ‘lost’ both original and copies of documents. The Netherlands received the copy in a week! Social Security is giving us the run around. Nobody can even tell us where the paperwork is. It has been more than three months of lies. They said a month ago they’d sent it, now saying they don’t know where it is. Social Security representatives don’t even know what the forms involved are, nor where to find them, I had the tell them where to find it on their website. In 1990 they signed an International Agreement, but really have nothing to do with the years we lived there. Why is SSA involved with something they have absolutely no knowledge of, or interest in assisting us. It is not the first time we have experienced discrimination.

    • Hi Anicca, your situation is a complex one and outside the scope of what can be handled via this forum. Please visit our International Programs webpage for more information about our totalization agreement between the United States and other countries. If after browsing our site and you still have questions about international Social Security agreements, we encourage you to call the Social Security Administration’s Office of International Programs at (410)965-3322 or (410)965-7306.

  26. I have reported Social Security fraud for years someone is using a fake social that does not belong to him and SS does nothing they let him get away with it?? he is also illegal how is this allowed to continue? at some point he will try to collect benefits from said stolen SS# what about the other person who could be suffering from this..? this is absurd

    • When allegations of fraud are reported to our Office of the Inspector General, they conduct the required investigations, but federal regulations prohibit the disclosure of information contained in law enforcement records even to the individual making the allegation. So unless you are contacted directly by one of our investigators, there will be no further communication from the OIG. Thanks so much for helping us fight fraud.

      • I understand that. But I have reported it for at least five years now? How is this allowed to happen why hasn’t he been convicted does it take that long to discover that he uses someone elses SS#? doesn’t seem right

        • There are several other offices you can call,if the person is in your community call the local District Attorney’s office, and the Dept. of Emigration and Naturalization. and last but definitely not the least Department of Homeland Security.

  27. How does a 24 year honorably served (worked hard mentally n physically) medically military retired combat related disabled veteran get denied social security benefits?

    • Obviously you didn’t read the post left by Ray H. The Emblem next to his name is the symbol for social security. That means when he gives you advice,try to be nice and at least call the numbers he gives you.

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