Group of people forming red ribbon shape (State Dept.)

HIV/AIDS is a human rights issue too

For people living with HIV/AIDS, physical illness may be only part of their struggle. Learn how you can help for World AIDS Day 2016.
People walking around large artworks lying on ground (© AP Images)

Here’s what you can do on World AIDS Day, December 1

Around the world, 36.7 million people are living with HIV/AIDS. A worldwide goal is to end AIDS by 2030. Learn how you can help on World AIDS Day.
Woman with 'End Polio Now' written on her cheek (© AP Images)

Edging closer to a polio-free world [video]

Polio, which once infected 350,000 people, is almost nonexistent today, thanks to partnerships between governments and private organizations.
Woman looking through window at others sitting and standing outside (Courtesy of Medic Mobile)

The virtual medic will text you now

A virtual medic can now use mobile communications to bring health care and diagnostic tools to residents of poor and remote areas.
Woman dressed in hospital scrubs seated at microscope (Courtesy of KwaZulu-Natal Research Institute for TB-HIV)

Joining forces to combat the deadly duo of HIV and TB

Two research organizations in South Africa are joining forces to form a new institute to combat the HIV and tuberculosis co-infection epidemic.
Doctor holding vaccine vial in front of mother holding child (© AP Images)

Guess which part of the world is free of measles

Measles has been eliminated in North, South and Central America after 22 years of vaccination campaigns, says the Pan American Health Organization.
Kenyan children standing outside (© AP Images)

See why Kenya’s child TB deaths are expected to fall

Kenya will be the first country to roll out a national program providing TB medicines in sweet flavors to encourage children to take their full doses.
Man behind four puppies and container (© AP Images)

Service dogs save lives

They say a dog is man’s (and woman’s) best friend, but service dogs help their handlers in ways beyond what even your best friend can do without training.
Portrait photo of Dr. Donald Henderson (© AP Images)

U.S. scientist who led fight to eradicate smallpox dies at 87

The epidemiologist who led the fight for the eradication nearly 40 years ago of smallpox, one of the world’s most feared contagious diseases, has died.