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List of Council Members

Institute Member
NIAAA Erin Manor, Chair
CC Bridget Moore, Vice Chair
NHLBI Dan Fogarty, Secretary
OD/OIR Larry Chloupek, DDIR Representative
OD/OM Cheryl Clarke, DDM Representative
CC Bridget Moore
Lula Russell
NCCIH Jody Cullen
Leslie Blitz
NCI/CCR Lori Holliday
Rena Rodriguez, Deputy Branch Chief (HR)
Chris Corey, Deputy Branch Chief (Budget)
NCI/DCEG Roberto Minutillo
Michelle Lathrop, Deputy Branch Chief
NEI Felicia Powell
Bryan Reed, Deputy Branch Chief
NHGRI Trish Messick
Pam Klein, Deputy Branch Chief
NHLBI Gary Unger
Dan Fogarty, Deputy Branch Chief
NIA Michael O’Donnell, Chief Administrative Officer
Debbie McGovern, Lead AO
NIAAA Karen Harrington
NIAID/DCR Gene Rigotti
Sharon Gordon Smith, Assoc. Branch Chief
Dana Savage, Assoc. Branch Chief
NIAID/DIR Kevin Sullivan
Kristie Gehlhaus, Deputy Branch Chief
NIAID/VRC Marie Hirsch
Kim Kiehl, Deputy Branch Chief
NIAMS Valerie Green
Andi Ricche, Deputy Branch Chief
NIBIB Marcella Canada
NICHD Francie Kitzmiller
Rebecca Preston, Deputy Branch Chief
Valerie Leftwood, Deputy Branch Chief
NIDA Susan Harrelson
Tom Haines, Deputy Branch Chief
NIDCR Jody Sallah
Chris Bolling, Deputy Branch Chief
NIDCD Lynne Penn
Ralph Lopez, Deputy Branch Chief
NIDDK Randy Redmond
Rebecca Borawski, Acting Deputy Branch Chief
Elise Goodwin, Deputy Branch Chief
NIEHS Kent Stone
Cynthia Arizona, Deputy Branch Chief
NIGMS Crystal James
NIMH Gwen Shinko
Travis Speck, Branch Chief
Claro Yu, Branch Chief
NIMHD Kimberly Allen
Donna Brooks
NINDS Laurie Jarvis
Velvette Caliz, Deputy Branch Chief
NINR Isla Norwood
Steve Weiss, Deputy
NLM/LHC Peggy Slovikosky (Margaret)
Celina Wood, Deputy
ORS Irene Hangemanole
Ranae Harris, DIR Representative
NCATS Annjeannette (Angie) Cruz-Albertorio

The page was last updated on Tuesday, January 19, 2016 - 11:10am