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Status of Stocks and  Multispecies Assessments

Yield and biomass status for groundfish

2015 Stock Assessments for 2016 Fishery Recommendations

Stock Assessment result summaries and archive

Completed 2016 Pacific cod CIE reviews

Members of the Alaska Fisheries Science Center's (AFSC) Stock Assessment and Multispecies Assessments Program are responsible for determining the condition of fisheries resources in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone using data collected by other AFSC scientists and developing strategies for managing those resources. Their research focuses on updating information on population dynamic trends, estimation of biological yields, and management strategies (as presented in annual assessments).  Members of our staff have contributed to the development of the National Standard Guidelines.

 In late 2000 the Resource Ecology and Fisheries Management (REFM) division formed the Fishery Interaction Team (FIT).  The primary responsibility of the team is to investigate interactions between fisheries and endangered Steller sea lions (SSL).

Recent Publications, Poster Presentations, Reports & Activities

  • Distribution, diet, and bycatch of chum salmon in the eastern Bering Sea
    MURPHY, J. M., E. V. J. FARLEY, J. N. IANELLI, and D. L. STRAM. 2017. Distribution, diet, and bycatch of chum salmon in the eastern Bering Sea. N. Pac. Anadr. Fish Comm. Bull. 6:219-234.  
  • Reproductive parasitism between distant phyla: Molecular identification of snailfish (Liparidae) egg masses in the gill cavities of king crabs (Lithodidae).
    GARDNER, J. R., J. W. ORR, D. E. STEVENSON, I. SPIES, and D. A. SOMERTON. 2016. Reproductive parasitism between distant phyla: Molecular identification of snailfish (Liparidae) egg masses in the gill cavities of king crabs (Lithodidae). Copeia 104:645-657.   Online.
  • Examining Two Epifaunal Invertebrate Communities Using Functional Traits and Environmental Variables in and Around Barrow Canyon in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
    Conference:  Ocean Sciences Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Feb 2016
    (2016 poster, .pdf, 1.72 MB)   Online.

  • Technical Subcommittee of the Canada–U.S. Groundfish Committee
    Conference:  Western Groundfish Conference (19th), Newport, OR, Feb 2016
    (2016 poster, .pdf, 279 KB)   Online.

  • Groundfish Stock Assessments for 2016

  • Staff Participate in the PICES 2015 Annual Meeting

  • Ecosystem Modeling for Fishery Sustainability: A Case Study for the Gulf of Alaska

See the publications and poster databases for additional listings.


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