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Funding & Financing for Energy Businesses

Secretary Moniz and President Obama tour ArcelorMittal's steel plant in Cleveland, Ohio, which produces materials that are helping vehicles become more fuel efficient. | Photo courtesy of the White House.

Secretary Moniz and President Obama tour ArcelorMittal's steel plant in Cleveland, Ohio, which produces materials that are helping vehicles become more fuel efficient. | Photo courtesy of the White House.

Do you own or represent an energy business? Learn about funding and financing resources from the Energy Department and other U.S. government agencies.


Review lists of current Funding Opportunity Announcements at select Energy Department offices:

Technology Transfer at the Energy Department's National Labs: Learn about technological capabilities of the Energy Department's National Labs and the process to license intellectual property available there.

Federal Financing Facilities Available for Energy Efficiency Upgrades and Clean Energy Deployment: A resource guide for state, local and tribal leaders, as well as their partners and business stakeholders.

Office of Small Business Development and Utilization: View tools for small businesses who are interested in doing business with the Energy Department.

OTHER GOVERNMENT RESOURCES Managed by the Department of Health and Human Services, provides a centralized location for grant seekers to find and apply for federal funding opportunities. Today, houses information on over 1,000 grant programs and vets grant applications for 26 federal grant-making agencies.

Federal Business Opportunities: Search a catalog of available federal government funding opportunities. 

Startup America: The Startup America Partnership, managed by the Small Business Administration, supports a national network of startup communities dedicated to advancing the success of American startups.

Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) / Small Business Technology Transfer (SBTT): Learn more about SBIR/SBTT, whose mission is to support scientific excellence and technological innovation by investing federal research funds in critical American priorities.