Progress in Cancer Research

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Basic, molecular, epidemiologic, and clinical research are leading to improved cancer prevention, screening, and treatment. Decreasing cancer mortality death rates and increasing numbers of cancer survivors are important indicators of the progress we have made. As the leader of the National Cancer Program, NCI has played a major role in the progress that has been made by the cancer community. But work still needs to be done to reduce the burden of cancer for those who face a diagnosis.

Progress in research depends on the work of individual scientists and research institutions—universities and medical centers across the country, the NCI-designated cancer centers, the National Clinical Trials Network, the NCI Community Oncology Research Program—as well as collaborations between the private and public sector. In this section, we highlight the stories behind some notable milestones and present data about ongoing progress.

Annual Report to the Nation, 1975-2012

Report provides an annual update of cancer incidence and mortality rates and trends in the United States.

Cancer Snapshots

Snapshots provide key information on disease incidence and mortality, NCI funding trends, relevant research activities, and recent scientific advances related to specific types of cancer and on special populations and scientific topics.

Milestones in Cancer Research and Discovery

Timeline featuring selected milestones in 250 years of cancer research and discovery.

Stories of Discovery

Collection of stories that describe landmark developments in cancer prevention and treatment supported by NCI funding.