The RAS Initiative

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Expanded Set of RAS Genes

A set of 60 wild-type and mutant HRAS, NRAS, KRAS4a and KRAS4b genes is now available.

More than 30 percent of all human cancers – including 95 percent of pancreatic cancers and 45 percent of colorectal cancers — are driven by mutations of the RAS family of genes. NCI established the RAS initiative in 2013 to explore innovative approaches for attacking the proteins encoded by mutant forms of RAS genes and to ultimately create effective, new therapies for RAS-related cancers.

RAS Target Identification

Discover the cutting edge technologies being used to better define target vulnerabilities in RAS proteins and pathways essential to cancer cells.

RAS Screens & Assays

Learn about the groups working to both develop assays for RAS activity, localization, and signaling and then adapt those assays to be used for finding new drug candidates.

RAS Central

To help solve the 30-year challenge of how to treat RAS-driven cancers, we need an open model of collaboration. RAS Central is the hub for the RAS blog, online discussion forum, and other useful resources. Help advance the research and join our community.

Treating KRAS G12D Cancer

In a new RAS Dialogue, Jim Hartley of the NCI RAS Initiative describes an innovative treatment for cancers caused by the G12D mutation of KRAS.

  • Updated: December 15, 2016

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