Reuse of Graphics and Text

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You may reuse information from the National Cancer Institute website.

Most of the information on the National Cancer Institute (NCI) website,, is in the public domain and is not subject to copyright restrictions. No special permission is required to use or reproduce public domain material. NCI's public domain information includes health professional and patient information in NCI's Physician Data Query (PDQ®) cancer information database and patient education brochures, booklets, and fact sheets.

However, any reproduced material should acknowledge NCI as the originator and the NCI website,, as the source. The source can be cited as:

The website of the National Cancer Institute (

You Do Not Need Permission to:

  • Use text from NCI information products in your own materials.
    However, you cannot use the registered trademark logos for NCI, NIH, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), or PDQ in your materials because NCI has not reviewed or approved your product.
  • Translate text from NCI products into other languages.
    However, you cannot use the NCI, NIH, DHHS, or PDQ logos on your translations because NCI has not reviewed or approved your translations.
  • Link to NCI websites.

Please note that many of our online health publications are continually updated as we learn more about a specific disease or condition. Occasionally, sites that copy and repost NCI materials fail to check for updates, which can result in out-of-date information being offered to their users. For that reason, we urge you to link to NCI documents rather than repost them. If you do repost, please visit the NCI website periodically to check for document revisions.

You Do Need Permission to Use Registered Trademarks and Copyrighted Material:

  • NCI's logo is trademarked and cannot be used without consent.
    Questions regarding use of the NCI logo should be directed to NCI's Office of Cancer Content at
  • PDQ is a registered trademark and its use requires a licensing agreement with NCI.
    Information about licensing PDQ is available from NCI's Office of Cancer Content at the following URL:
  • Artwork, graphics, and text developed for NCI by private-sector designers, photographers, and writers under contract to the federal government is owned by the originators.
    Permissions, including credit line and/or fees for use of privately owned material, must be negotiated directly with the private-sector contractor, independent of the government.
  • To inquire about the ownership of NCI materials or to obtain contractor contact information, send e-mail to NCI's Office of Cancer Content at
  • Updated: April 10, 2015