Research Funding Mechanisms

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As the federal government’s principal agency for cancer research and training, as well as the coordinator of the National Cancer Program, the NCI stimulates and supports research through three major funding mechanisms, all of which undergo peer review before funding decisions are made:

  • Grants Assistance
    Grants are used when no substantial programmatic involvement is anticipated between the NCI and the recipient during performance of the financially assisted activities and when there is no expectation on the part of the NCI of a specified service or end-product for use by the NCI.
  • Cooperative Agreements
    Cooperative agreements are used when substantial programmatic involvement is anticipated between the NCI and the recipient during the performance of the activities.
  • Research & Development (R&D) Contracts
    The NCI uses the contract mechanism to procure cancer research services and other resources needed by the federal government.

Find more information about NCI Grant Activity Codes/Mechanisms and Descriptions and a complete listing of NIH Grant Programs.