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Office of Workers' Compensation Programs
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Division of Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation (DLHWC)

About Longshore

The mission of DLHWC is to minimize the impact of land based, maritime employment injuries and deaths on the injured employees and their families by ensuring that workers' compensation benefits are provided promptly and properly under the following laws:

Benefits paid under the LHWCA and its extensions totaled $1.4 billion in CY2014.  Excluding beneficiaries who are covered by the Special Workers’ Compensation Fund, the DLHWC generally does not issue benefit decisions or payments directly to injured workers.  The role of the DLHWC is to provide technical assistance, dispute resolution services and oversee benefit delivery by the self-insured employers and insurance carriers it authorizes and regulates. 

Any party to a claim or the party’s representative may now choose to waive service by certified mail and instead receive service via email. This electronic service option applies only to compensation orders, not other communications from the OWCP/DLHWC. To learn more, click HERE to access Industry Notice No. 152.


Stakeholder Portals

Contact Us

By Phone:

By Mail:


Benefit Guides

Longshore Industry Notices

The Longshore Industry Notice is a document that is issued typically to Longshore's business partners and/or clients and provides guidance, instruction, and/or information relevant to the application of the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (LHWCA). 

Industry Notice No-159 (2017 Advance Assessment for the Special Fund and Submission of Form LS-513 via the Longshore Electronic Access Forms Submission (LEAFS) PDF

Industry Notice No-158 - Penalty Inflation PDF

NAWW Industry Notice No-157 (September 7th, 2016) PDF

Industry Notice No-156 (CY 2016 ASSESSMENT FOR THE SPECIAL FUND - July 15, 2016) PDF





Frequently Asked Questions

Preguntas Frecuentes en Español

Laws, Regulations and Procedures

The Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA) and its extensions, all associated federal regulations, DLHWC procedure manual and related reference materials.
