BLM New Mexico interns tour energy facility, BLM photo


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Ways to Get Involved

The BLM offers various internships to help young people gain experience and explore career options.  BLM interns may find themselves working in an office or working in remote landscapes.  They may work with a crew, building trails or restoring habitat damaged by wildland fire.  Internships also offer the chance to conduct research and work alongside BLM resource professionals.  

Explore the types of internships available with the BLM.

Potential Partners

Many BLM offices have long-standing partnerships with youth-serving organizations in their state and local communities.  Opportunities to pursue partnerships with the BLM to provide internships and other work and training opportunities for young people are posted regularly on  

For more information, check with your local BLM office.

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Featured Video

Meet our Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities or HACU interns who spent the summer in beautiful New Mexico.