• Laser ranging to the moon
    Laser Ranging to the Moon
    NGSLR, located at NASA GSFC's Goddard Geophysical and Astronomical
    Observatory (GGAO),is shown ranging to the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO)
    orbiting the Moon. The LRO Laser Ranging (LR) system enables the spacecraft
    to achieve its precision orbit determination requirement.
  • antenna
    VLBI 2010
    VLBI2010, located at NASA GSFC's Goddard
    Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory
    (GGAO), is the next generation of
    geodetic VLBI systems currently
    under development.
  • Monument brace
    Drilled Brace Monument for GNSS Antenna
    The newly installed drilled brace monument for the
    Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) antenna at
    NASA GSFC's Goddard Geophysical and Astronomical
    Observatory (GGAO). The multi-GNSS-capable
    receiver will track signals from several GNSS including
    GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo.
    DORIS Antenna
    The Doppler Orbitography and Radio-positioning Integrated
    by Satellite (DORIS) antenna located at NASA GSFC's Goddard
    Geophysical and Astronomical Observatory (GGAO) tracks
    satellites equipped with DORIS beacons; NGSLR can be seen
    in the background.

  • Sun pointing test

SGP is completing the implementation of a new 12-meter broadband Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) station at NASA's Kōkeʻe Park Geophysical Observatory (KPGO) on Kauai, Hawaii. This blog follows the progress towards the station completion with updates from the team about once a week.

Latest news

Draft RFP for the SGSLR Network Build released
SGP logoThe Draft RFP for the SGSLR Network Build has been released and can be found at https://www.fbo.gov/notices/6f8c20c871522bb73badfcc073374ab2.

Special collection of DORIS-related titled, "The Scientific Applications of DORIS in Space Geodesy", published in the journal "Advances in Space Research"
IDS logo The International DORIS Service (IDS) has just published in the journal "Advances in Space Research" a special collection of papers entitled "The Scientific Applications of DORIS in Space Geodesy". DORIS is one of the four fundamental techniques that contributes to the terrestrial reference frame. It is also a prime tracking technique for LEO satellites, including those that map the oceans with radar altimetry.

The eighteen papers in the special issue cover five themes:

  • ITRF2014 -- the papers discuss the DORIS contribution to the new realization of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF);
  • DORIS Ultra-Stable Oscillator (USO), Jason-2;
  • Precise Orbit Determination;
  • DORIS System and Network;
  • Intertechnique comparisons of DORIS products.

The papers are published in Volume 58, Number 12 of the Journal Adv. Space Res. Of the 18 papers, four were led or featured significant contributions from NASA GSFC & JPL authors. The Guest Editors of the special issue were Frank G. Lemoine (Code 61A, Geodesy & Geophysics Laboratory, NASA GSFC) and Ernst J.O. Schrama (Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands).

This special issue marks the third time the DORIS community has published a special issue in a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to scientific and technical aspects of the DORIS technique. The previous special issues dedicated to DORIS were published in the journal Adv. Space Res. (two volumes in 2010) and in the Journal of Geodesy (2006).

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The CDDIS successfully moves all primary operations to an upgraded computer system
CDDIS logoThe CDDIS successfully moved all primary operations to an upgraded computer system on December 01, 2016; in total, the CDDIS archive was inaccessible to the user community for approximately 30 hours during the transition. The new IT infrastructure provides a more robust, reliable, and expandable system with increased storage capacity to handle future growth. All suppliers of data, derived products, and ancillary files for the CDDIS archive were required to modify their software to use the HTTP protocol for file upload. In addition to new hardware, the CDDIS archive processing software was redesigned and improved to provide for more efficient operations and additional QC on incoming files.

CDDIS unavailable November 30-December 01 for transition to new systems
CDDIS logoOn November 30, 2016 at 13:00 UTC, CDDIS will terminate all services (ftp, CDDIS/ILRS/SGP websites, data deliveries) as we transition to all new hardware and facilities. We are projecting about 24 hours to fully move to our new facilities and ensure all operations are back to normal. As such, all users need to plan on a 24+ hour disruption of service to the CDDIS archive with resumption of normal operations no earlier than December 01, 2016 at 17:00 UTC.

In summary the following will take place:

  • 30 November 2016 at 13:00 UTC – All current production services (ftp, http, etc) will be shutdown.
  • 01 December 2016 at 17:00 UTC – all web and anonymous ftp access is restored for access to the archive. NOTE: restoration could occur sooner but no guarantees are made.
  • Currently used addresses, e.g., cddis.nasa.gov or cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov, will continue to work as before the transition. However, if you are using a numeric IP address to access any CDDIS resources your scripts will fail as all current IP addresses will change during the transition.
  • 02 December 2016 – All CDDIS operations should be returned to normal service.

While CDDIS is unavailable, users can access one of the other data centers supporting the services:

All questions on the CDDIS transition should be directed to cddis-help@lists.nasa.gov.

Space Geodesy Project Issues Solicitation for New VLBI Antennas
SGP logoThe Space Geodesy Project posted a request for proposal for the construction, deployment and commissioning of up to three Very Long Baseline Interferometer (VLBI) antennas that will be part of the new NASA Space Geodesy Network (NSGN) and the VLBI2010 Global Observing System (VGOS). Details on the solicitation can be found here:

User Profile: Dr. Erricos C. Pavlis
Dr. Erricos PavlisNASA Earthdata has published a user profile of Dr. Erricos Pavlis as part of their "Who uses NASA Earth science data?" series.

Read all news

Using Quasars to Measure the Earth: A Brief History of VLBI

Looking Down a Well: A Brief History of Geodesy

Staff profiles