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At the White House, Engaging in a Dialogue on Diversity and Energy

November 14, 2013 - 12:41pm


Secretary Moniz, Ambassadors of the Minorities in Energy Initiative, and panelists attend the White House Forum on Minorities in Energy. View additional photos from the event by checking out our <a href="/node/769881">latest slideshow</a>. | Photo by Matty Greene, Energy Department.

Secretary Moniz, Ambassadors of the Minorities in Energy Initiative, and panelists attend the White House Forum on Minorities in Energy. View additional photos from the event by checking out our latest slideshow. | Photo by Matty Greene, Energy Department.

On a windy day in the nation’s capital, a group of innovators from across the energy and science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) sectors gathered at the White House Forum on Minorities in Energy.

At this first-of-its-kind event, the Energy Department introduced the Ambassadors of the Minorities in Energy Initiative -- senior level leaders pushing for inclusion, access and engagement by minorities in the energy sector.

Launched at Energy Department headquarters this past September, the Minorities in Energy Initiative is designed to inspire underrepresented Americans to pursue careers in energy and, once they are there, support their advancement into leadership positions. The Ambassadors -- hailing from the private sector, government, academia and media -- will play a key role in advancing the Minorities in Energy agenda.

At the White House Forum, as they engaged in a panel discussion on everything from energy economic development to climate change, the Ambassadors reinforced their commitment to advance the Minorities in Energy mission in communities across the country -- highlighting the national imperative of a thriving, diverse energy workforce to ensure America’s clean energy future.

See highlights from the White House Forum on Minorities in Energy Initiative by viewing our latest slideshow. For additional photos, check out our White House Forum on Minorities in Energy Flickr album
