Welcome to the Salmon-Challis National Forest

The Salmon-Challis National Forest covers over 4.3 million acres in east-central Idaho. Included within the boundaries of the Forest is 1.3 million acres of the Frank Church-- River of No Return Wilderness Area, the largest wilderness area in the Continental United States. Rugged and remote, this country offers adventure, solitude and breathtaking scenery. The Forest also contains Borah Peak, Idaho's tallest peak, the Wild & Scenic Salmon River and the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. The area is a highly desired destination for hunting, fishing, white-water rafting and many other popular recreational pursuits.

Your Safety is Important to Us.

Idaho state law currently allows individuals under 16 years old to operate off-highway vehicles (OHV) on National Forest System roads whether or not they have a driver's license. When traveling on National Forest System roads to or from your favorite camping or hunting spot, you may encounter other drivers of all ages with varying experience levels and different types of motorized vehicles. Please take extra care to watch for all kinds of traffic to avoid life-altering collisions on roads managed by your national forest.

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Salmon-Challis National Forest - Idaho Facts
