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Cancer Research Education Grants Program (R25)

The Cancer Research Education Grants Program (CREGP) (R25) provides support for educational activities that complement and/or enhance the training of a workforce to meet the nation’s biomedical, behavioral and clinical research needs. Applications should propose innovative, state-of-the-art programs that address the cause, diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of cancer, rehabilitation from cancer, or the continuing care of cancer patients and the families of cancer patients.

There are three CREGP Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs):

  1. CREGP–Curriculum or Methods Development (PAR-18-476): supports curriculum or methods development activities that have a high potential to improve biomedical, behavioral or clinical cancer research education, or that involve the development of novel instructional approaches or computer-based tools for cancer research education.  The curriculum or methods developed should be readily adaptable by the cancer research education community. 

    Note that this FOA provides support to develop, test, and prepare the curriculum or methods developed for dissemination to the cancer research education community. It does not provide support for the actual offering of the developed curriculum or methods to identifiable participants at the applicant institution or elsewhere, which may be able to be supported through the companion FOA (below), CREGP – Courses for Skills Development.

  2. CREGP–Courses for Skills Development (PAR-18-477): proposed courses should provide innovative, state-of-the-art, evidence-based cancer education that is derived from biomedical, behavioral and clinical cancer research findings, using a traditional in-person approach, online activities, or a hybrid of both approaches.  All instructional activities must be completed within a 12-month period, with the total course duration not to exceed 15 weeks.

    The course must be offered during each year that R25 support is requested. If the time required to develop the course would preclude this during the first year of support, applicants should consider applying for the companion FOA (above), CREGP – Curriculum or Methods Development.
  3. CREGP–Research Experiences (PAR-18-478): proposed research experiences should involve an innovative approach to provide hands-on exposure to cancer research in a laboratory or a field setting for a full-time (40 hours per week) period of 10 to 15 weeks to stimulate the interest and advance the knowledge base of participants to consider further education and training for future careers as cancer researchers.  The proposed programs should provide research experiences and related training that are not available through formal NIH training mechanisms.

    R25 programs that propose at least 10 weeks, but fewer than 15 weeks, of full-time research experiences may request continued part-time support for the participants to work on their research projects, up to the equivalent of 15 weeks of full-time participation, as long as the entire research experience is completed within a 12-month period. 

    All potential applicants are strongly encouraged to read the FOAs cited above to obtain more complete information about the types of projects that each FOA supports and also to contact the program staff to discuss possible applications and resolve any questions about the FOAs.

Applicant Eligibility

PI Criteria

US Citizens and Foreign Nationals U.S. citizens and non-U.S. citizen/permanent residents are eligible to apply for R25 awards, provided that the U.S. institution where the applicant is employed allows non-U.S. citizens to apply for grant support.
Degree/Academic Appointment Established Investigators at or above the rank of Associate Professor (or equivalent)
Commitment Salary support is allowed; see Program Announcements for details
Duration of Award

Up to 2 years (PAR-18-476) or up to 5 years (PAR-18-477, PAR-18-478) of support may be requested

Only R25 awards supporting Courses for Skills Development (PAR-18-477) or Research Experiences (PAR-18-478) are renewable

Participant Criteria

Citizens, Foreign Nationals and Student Visas Because this is an educational and not a training mechanism, non-U.S. citizens may participate in this program. However, the participation of non-U.S. citizens should be justified in the application.


R25 Allowable Costs- vary according to the particular FOA.  Consult Program Announcements for details.

Program PI and Faculty Salary and fringe benefit support for the design, direction, and implementation of the research education program
Administrative Support Limited administrative and clerical salary costs associated with their work on the program, with justification
Other Program-Related Expenses Consultant costs, equipment, supplies, travel for key persons, and other program-related expenses, with justification
Program Participant Costs

Only allowed for PAR-18-477 and PAR-18-478

Direct Costs

Up to $150,000 direct costs/year for up to 2 years for PAR-18-476

Up to $300,000 direct costs/year for up to 5 years for PAR-18-477 and PAR 18-478

F&A Costs/Indirect Costs 8%

How to Apply

  • Applications must be submitted electronically. 
  • Applicants must follow the instructions in the SF424(R&R) Application Guide, as well as any program-specific instructions noted in Section IV. of the Program Announcement.
  • When the program-specific instructions deviate from those in the Application Guide, follow the program-specific instructions in Program Announcement.
  • Applications that do not comply with these instructions may be delayed or not be accepted for review.

For assistance with application submission, please see the Frequently Asked Questions and/or contact eRA Commons Help Desk/ contact Center.

Application Receipt Dates and Review Schedule

Receipt Cycle Application Receipt Date: New, Renewal, Revision, and Resubmission Initial Review Council Review Earliest Possible Start Date*
1 January 25 June/July September/October December
2 May 25 October/November January/February April
3 September 25 February/March May/June July

* Start dates are determined by the availability of NCI funds and may not occur until well after the earliest possible start date.

Applications are due by 5:00 PM local time.  If the Application Receipt Date falls on a weekend or Federal holiday, the application deadline is automatically extended to the next business day and must be submitted by 5:00 PM local time of applicant organization.

Review and Selection Process

The Center for Scientific Review (CSR) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) will review your application for completeness and for conformance to all eligibility requirements and special provisions and requirements. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant without further consideration.

Subcommittee F, convened by the Division of Extramural Activities of the NCI, evaluates applications according to the review criteria listed in the Program Announcement. Before an award is made, the National Cancer Advisory Board (NCAB) conducts a second level of review and ensures that an application meets the broad program needs and priorities of the NCI and the National Cancer Program.

For review criteria for the R25 grant mechanism, see section V. Application Review Information of the Program Announcement.


NCI Staff Contacts

For additional information regarding policies and/or guidance in preparing an application for the R25 Award, contact:

For information regarding fiscal and/or budget issues, contact:

For information regarding review issues, contact:

  • Referral Officer
    Division of Extramural Activities
    Phone: 240-276-6390
    Fax: 240-276-7682
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