Environmental Factor

Environmental Factor

Your Online Source for NIEHS News

January 2017

EHS Fest

First Environmental Health Science FEST draws 1,200 people to Durham

More than 1,200 people from across the nation joined in the first-ever Environmental Health Science FEST Durham, North Carolina.

The 21st Century Cures Act: a statement by the president
President Barack Obama

Upon Senate passage of the 21st Century Cures Act, President Obama issued this statement. He signed the bill Dec. 13.

EHS FEST: susceptibility to pollutants varies across the lifespan
Ami Zota

Health impacts of environmental pollutants may depend on the timing of exposure, according to scientists who spoke at EHS FEST.

EHS FEST: air pollution research informs regulations, improves health
Joel Kaufman

EHS FEST sessions focused on new discoveries of health effects of air pollution exposure, including asthma, autism, and others.

EHS FEST: community engagement for effective research
Beverly Wright

Community-based environmental health research was addressed at EHS FEST and the Research Triangle Environmental Health Collaborative Summit.

EHS FEST takes it to the streets with public science events
Environmental Health Science Streets Theater

The NIEHS Environmental Health Science FEST took science into the community with a film festival and an evening of 3-minute science talks.

Nobel Laureate gives NIEHS Distinguished Lecture
Nobel Laureate Paul Modrich

Paul Modrich, Ph.D., 2015 Nobel Prize winner for his DNA mismatch repair research, presented the final 2016 NIEHS Distinguished Lecture.

Environmental and genetic factors jointly influence autism-related genes
Janine LaSalle

NIEHS-funded researchers reported that a genetic variation, combined with exposure to PCB 95, can alter activity of autism-related genes.

Seventh annual NIEHS Ethics Day instructs and entertains
Bruce Androphy

The annual NIEHS Ethics Day training mixed humor with problem solving, and featured talks by two outside ethicists.

Research collaborations take center stage at NTP board meeting
Carl Cerniglia

Collaborations with National Toxicology Program partner agencies were highlighted at the December Board of Scientific Counselors meeting.

SRP trainee honored with 2016 Wetterhahn Award
Gwen Collman and Elizabeth Martin

Elizabeth Martin of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is the 19th recipient of the annual Wetterhahn Memorial Award.

Adaptations to polluted environments come at a cost
Jayasundara Nishad

Killifish adaptations to polluted waters come at a cost, said 2015 Karen Wetterhahn Award winner Nishad Jayasundara, Ph.D.

Survival of the resilient: rapid killifish evolution evades pollution
Andrew Whitehead

NIEHS grantees reported in the journal Science new insights into the genetic mechanisms that may help killifish survive pollution.

Former NIEHS trainee transitions to nonprofit work
Katie Pelch and her son

Former NIEHS trainee Katie Pelch, Ph.D., has a new position as a research associate with a nonprofit, The Endocrine Disruption Exchange.

NIEHS Angel Trees inspire gifts for local youths in need
Angel Tree at NIEHS

NIEHS met its 2016 Angel Tree goal, providing donations to 100 needy families through a partnership with the Salvation Army of Durham.


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NIEHS Grants EHP EHP announces new impact factor of 8.44!
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