40 thoughts on “Coming Soon: Improved Check Your Application or Appeal Status Service

  1. This will be nice for the retirement who have had seven strokes,like me to the brain that crack the brain and cripple limbs on my body and people don’t understand me because a brain stroke hit my voice I live on 748.00 a month I go to many doctors and buy 26 different kinds of pills a month’s six creams,four shampoos,not counting what I have to buy over the counter products for my problem skin due to staying inside not getting no vitamin D and E,it’s really sad I started working really young just a child in school they took out taxes ,worked three to four jobs every year everyday it took it now I thought working four jobs when I retired I would draw a great amount not me I can hardly pay my meds,insurance,and what I have to have for the month then people break in on me take that police and home insurance said it only pays so much they stoked about 50,000.00 worth of stuff and they gonna only give me 2,500.00 back on my home owners insurance that’s bull then I worked all my life to have what I paid for honestly and some convicts this come in break my door down on front of my house then my bedroom door with two dead bolts still kicked it in so they protect the convict not the handicapped can I get more social security money each month on my check added to it,I’m hurting each month,have to do without that’s not right to the working person all these people faking this disabilities,I hear them laughing when I’m at doctors laughing how they play the government I think everyone under the age of 55 they should have to be recerified every two years that way u really know they should have to go to the physical the social security people pick for them like they did for me this would stop fraud on social security and food stamps,welfare,they should have to be drug tested every month,that would Goethe United States more money for children in schools ,food,etc for our world United States waste money on people comes from Alaska here laughing say they put all their money in their in laws names draw food stamps,welfare Tenn Cate,that’s stupid I couldn’t draw insurance and I didn’t have a job or a husband.

    • So sad. You must do not have any children who can help? I do understand. Barely surviving as well. Food banks and churches have been get help.

  2. Look at the feedback you are getting about initiating a tracking system for the claims people file. While commendable, your blog is not reaching those who need the information, rather, you are getting comments from people who have an individual grievance. In most cases it is not germain to your post. Maybe there should be more thought put into your subject matter and a disclaimer at the end which would discourage nonsensical posts.

  3. my son was getting sst sense he was about 8 years old it stopped when he was 18 but he did not grow out of it i made appeals and that did not help i do not understand how this is you do not out grow this adhd it is a bad illness for some

  4. I think this is a great idea. It’s quite stressful waiting for months to find out about your application. For those that don’t have a disease on the compassionate allowance list it will take years to finally go in front of a judge. This would be reassuring for the applicant, to know at which point the application is near.

  5. I was receiving SSI disability until I reach 62 years of age and Social Security made me retire early stating I would get a little more money then the $720 SSI disability was paying me. At the same time my son who will be 4 yrs old on December 14th 2016 was also SSI disability for his autism and Social Security also put him on my retirement also stating he would get $20 more a month. I went from receiving $720 from SSI disability shoe collecting $958 on early retirement my son who was collecting $738 a month from SSI disability to only collecting just $635 on my retirement. My increase was $138 a month more where as my son lost $103 per month. Between my son and I the only increase was $35 I gained 138 he lost $103 do the math and that comes out to $35 a month more to me to my son it is not worth it I wanted to stay on SSI disability for both of us does Social Security told me my son when he was on SSI disability making $738 a month will be getting an increase of $20 a month bringing it to $758 a month giving him an increase as I was told of $20 a month more lo and behold they lied and was told I have no choice but to accept it and nothing I could do about it. My son on November 8th 2014 was diagnosed with ASD otherwise known as Autism
    Spectrum Disorder to make it short my son has Autism which is a major disability. Problem being since they made him go on my retirement his benefit verification letter does not say even though he is disabled and that makes me mad just because they made him go on retirement he did not miraculously get cured from autism they will not put on his verification letter that he is a disabled individual which he is and will be for years to come. Some things should and must be done to correct that we are disabled and just because they made us retire doesn’t mean we are no longer disabled.

    • Thank you for your comment Anthony. Social Security has strict guidelines that apply to individuals receiving benefits under the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. If an SSI recipient is insured and qualifies on his or her own record for their own retirement benefit, they are required to apply at age 62. Failure to apply for additional benefits can result in suspension or termination of their SSI benefits.

  6. It would be nice if there was someway when a person signs up on line for Parts A & B, that they know it went through or that it was received by SS.

    • Hi Patricia. Individuals who have filed a claim for benefits online, can check the status of their application using their confirmation number. If you have a confirmation number from when you applied, you can check the status of your application here. Also, you can create a my Social Security account or login to your existing account to check the status of your claim. In the event you do not or cannot create an account, it will still be possible to check the status of your claim using the confirmation number with our automated phone system. If anything prevents you from checking your application status online, call us at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778) between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday through Friday. You can also contact your local field office. Thanks.

      • i wished you would have had this 10+ years ago.

        your office had apparently written a letter advising WHEN my hearing date was; however, neither i nor my lawyer ever received it!!

        i called your office & then found out it supposedly had been sent & WHEN it would be.

        this would have HELPED this situation going online that SOMETHING was finally happening. thanks.

        bettyg, iowa … took 5 yrs. of hell to be approved & 2 apps.

      • I filed for retirement for benefits only at the end of October and I can not get any information in regards to the status of my application. All I can get is that it has not been processed yet and I will get a letter in the mail. This has been over a month. What can I do? I can never get a person to talk to.

        • Hi Jimmie. Unfortunately and because of security reasons we do not have access to personal records in this blog and cannot answer your question at this time. One of our representatives should be able to provide you with an explanation and answer your questions about this matter. You can visit your local Social Security office or you can call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213 Monday to Friday, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sometimes we experience higher than normal call volume. Generally, when calling our toll free number, you will have a shorter wait time if you call later during the day or later during the week. We thank you for your understanding and for bringing this matter to our attention. Please try again.

  7. The State of Florida Division of Driver License has two lines. One for US Citizens and another for Non-citizens.

    People applying for SSR and SSDI pay your Administrative expense. There should be a shorter line for us at your local field office. There should be a shorter waiting period for a hearing for people applying for SSDI than someone applying for SSI. We pay your Administrative expense and get treated like second class Citizens and got to wait behind people who paid nothing.

    • People applying for SSDI can do it Online, but SSI cannot be done Online. The people applying for SSDI should be fast track to their hearing date with the ALJ.

      In any other third world country, the paying customers come first.

    • The reason waiting times and lines kerp getting longer is because of CUTS that Congress keeps making! Everyone who screams for “smaller government,” well, what do you THINK that mesns??? Closed government ofgices, fewer employees to help you, shorter hours, DUH!!! Which do you people want, you can’t have all the benefits you want if you get rid of all the governmental agencies that handle those benefits.

  8. The Tickets-To-Work program is voluntary, but Vocational Rehabilitation is not. When will the SSA actually force people into Vocational Rehabilitation service and save the Social Security disability money by getting people off the disability roll.

    The SSA can give the State a list of people and if the state can find them a job, then they must do it. This applies to the State Vocational Rehabilitation and not the Employment Networks.

    The State Rehabilitation Service can notify the SSA that there is a job available and the SSA can send the notice to the claimants to call the State Vocational Rehabilitation service. Failure to do so can result in having benefits withheld.

    • The SSA should force Social Security disability recipients to participate in the State Vocational Rehabilitation services like how Unemployment Compensation forces people to look for jobs in order to collect unemployment.

      • Um, in order to receive Social Security Disability benefits you have to be 100% disabled and TOTALLY AND PERMANENTLY UNABLE TO WORK. So you want to force people who lost their jobs because they CANNOT WORK to get a job? What is the MATTER with people??? What part of 100% DISABLED do you not understand? Unemployment is for while you’re looking for work, disability is for people who CANNOT work. Oh, the stupidity of Americans makes my head want to explode!

  9. What I dont understand is that a Judge declares you disabeled and social security starts paying you till you turn 65 but start taking back that money you earned and payed , into retirement and take away medical. The only benifit you got as disabeled. Now that retirement goes to medicines, doctors and hospitals. What are you supposed to eat. GRASS.

  10. It doesn’t make any sense that I am the lawyer in fact (POA) for my wife who was disabled on 2/28/2014, and I cannot administrate her acct. I’m trying to file for medicare disability (turned 65 yesterday), and although this would be the best way to do it, it’s too limiting. We went to the local ss office, waited in line for an hour, to be told she doesn’t qualify b/c she needs 40qtrs but only has 30qtrs. They never gave us any paperwork/ official letter of denial, yet now my retirement healthcare has dropped her 11/30/2016 without this official denial! ugghhhh

    • Hello Mr. Conley, thank you for your comment. Individuals are eligible for Medicare based on their work records or on their spouse’s work records. However, your wife has the right to file an application for Medicare benefits and receive an official denial of her claim from Social Security, which will provide her appeals rights, if in case she wants to seek legal advice to verify our decision. Please call our toll free number at 1-800-772-1213 and ask one of our representatives to help you schedule an appointment. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.
      On a side note Sir, Social Security does not recognize “Power of Attorneys”.

  11. Wishing u hv live chat, so i can get results easily.
    Ur 800 takes time on hold to wait.
    Make it less taxing for the mainstream pls open a live chat.

    • If you have to wait on your phone call, what do you think it will be like, if they did start a chat ?? Take their advice late in the day, late in the week. It works.

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