Rural Community Development Program (RCD)

Success Story

Rural Community Development (RCD) is a federal grant program that works with regional and tribal organizations to manage safe water systems in rural communities.

Read more about the RCD Program

Read RCD Dear Colleague Letters

  • RCD Fact Sheet

    Published: January 3, 2017
    This resource provides brief details for the Rural Community Development Program; such as, uses for the grants, eligible applicants for the grants, and the
  • CED Dear Colleague Letter: Office of Community Services Restructuring

    Published: September 27, 2016
    To ensure efficient and effective management of OCS programs, the Office of the Director (OD) requested and received approval from the Acting Assistant
  • Professionals Needed for RCD Grant Review

    Published: February 18, 2015
    The Office of Community Services (OCS) is seeking reviewers to help select the grantees for the Rural Community Development (RCD) program. To register to be
  • RCD Sequestration Notice Letter

    Published: March 4, 2013
    This resource details possible upcoming sequestration impacts for the RCD program.
  • RCD Tools Grantee and Prospective Grantee Resources

    Published: October 15, 2012
    This resource is a website specifically designed as a hub for tools and resources for prospective grantees and current grantees of the RCD
  • RCD Grant Awards FY 2015

    Published: August 26, 2012
    This resource displays the grantees and grant awards of the RCD program.
  • RCD Funding Eligibility

    Published: August 26, 2012
    This resource describes who is sligible for the RCD program.
  • RCD Fact Sheet

    Published: January 3, 2017
    This resource provides brief details for the Rural Community Development Program; such as, uses for the grants, eligible applicants for the grants, and the
  • RCD Tools Grantee and Prospective Grantee Resources

    Published: October 15, 2012
    This resource is a website specifically designed as a hub for tools and resources for prospective grantees and current grantees of the RCD
  • RCD Sequestration Notice Letter

    Published: March 4, 2013
    This resource details possible upcoming sequestration impacts for the RCD program.
More Resources