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Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer

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Chief Human Capital Officer: Miriam Cohen
Deputy Chief Human Capital Officer: Jody Hudson

Provides overall leadership and management of agency human capital planning and human resources (HR) planning, policy, and program development. Leads in the development of the agency's strategic human capital plan. Develops and implements the HR strategic plan, performance plan, and operating plan consistent with agency-wide programmatic goals and objectives. Assists and advises NRC management in the planning and implementation of human capital goals consistent with agency policies and mission. Establishes accountability for achievement of human capital goals; monitors performance and provides feedback. Delivers human resources services in support of NRC's strategic management of human capital. Plans and implements NRC policies, programs, and services to provide for employment services and operations, training, employee and labor relations, organizational development, and workforce information and analysis. Administers and manages the NRC work life services program, including oversight of the employee assistance program, and the headquarters child care facility, health unit, and fitness center. Provides advice and support for the planning, development, implementation, oversight, and evaluation of HR information systems. Conducts formulation, justification, and execution activities for agency human capital budget and for human resources office budget.

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Human Capital Analysis Branch

Chief: Jason Shay

Participates in agency-wide Planning, Budgeting, and Performance Management process and integrates HR's plans and budget with agency programs and mission. Develops and implements strategic human capital plan and human capital budget. Oversees the development, implementation, and security of human resources management and information systems. Develops and maintains automated systems for staffing, strategic workforce planning, and other support activities for managing human capital. Collects, analyzes, and provides data on the hiring, retention, demographics, full-time equivalent (FTE) staff year allocation and utilization, skills, diversity, and training of NRC's workforce. Projects workforce needs and identifies skills gaps. Analyzes workforce deployment and organizational structures and identifies opportunities for improved effectiveness in alignment with the mission. Provides guidance and coordination for the agency's organizational alignments, position management, functional responsibilities, and delegations of authority. Works in partnership with HR operations staff and program managers to identify and solve human capital issues. Develops and manages human capital accountability system, tracks progress, and supplies feedback on results. Acts as liaison with oversight agencies and participates in meetings and conferences on human capital to share information and identify best practices for application at NRC. Monitors opportunities to participate in electronic government initiatives, and implements information technology solutions to improve efficiency and effectiveness of HR systems and processes. Provides general oversight of agency-wide HR support contractual arrangements. Provides management control and coordination of the Office's financial resources. Performs analyses of significant human capital initiatives and potential issues.

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Associate Director for Human Resources Operations and Policy

Associate Director: Andrea Valentin
Deputy Associate Director: Dawn Powell

Manages the implementation and delivery of human resources policy and operations agency-wide. Implements human capital policies and operating procedures in a consistent manner throughout the agency. Employs technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations, including electronic government recruitment and staffing systems. Provides program direction and liaison in support of regional human resources operations. Provides management advice and recommendations concerning all operational aspects of human capital management. Assists managers and supervisors in applying human capital strategies to solve workforce planning issues and close skills gaps. Through human resources service centers, provides advice, guidance, information products, and support services for NRC managers and employees. Implements and administers a full range of human capital policies, programs, and services including employment, recruitment, staffing, position management and evaluation, benefits, employee and labor relations, performance management and personnel processing. Participates on planning and implementation team for agency competitive sourcing studies. Supports equal employment opportunity in the implementation of human capital policies and programs; and maintains Official Personnel Files, performance appraisal files and merit selection files. Oversees all employee and labor relations activities within the agency as well as all human capital policies and programs.

Human Resources Policy and Programs Team

Team Leader: Nancy Johns

Manages a comprehensive framework of human capital policies and programs. Develops human capital policies and programs for agency-wide implementation. Provides overall coordination and integration of substantive human capital policy and program initiatives. Evaluates and revises human capital policies and programs, as necessary to assure efficiency and effectiveness. Administers the SES program, agencywide. Administers contract(s) for salary information. Develops, implements, and evaluates results-oriented performance management systems for executives, managers and supervisors, and employees that link with agency and organizational goals. Performs analyses of significant human capital initiatives and potential issues. Maintains and fosters relationships with external organizations to become aware of and participate in the formulation of new concepts in strategic human capital management.

Employee and Labor Relations Branch

Chief: Michael Gartman

Manages employee and labor relations activities on an agency-wide basis. Develops, coordinates, and implements all issues related to labor-management relations, which include negotiating and administering collective bargaining agreements; conducting day-to-day interactions with the employee union; processing of grievances filed under the negotiated grievance procedure, and responding to requests for information. Handles all negotiations dealing with the impact and implementation of changes in working conditions affecting members of the bargaining unit, provides training to managers and supervisors on labor relations, and oversees all activities related to the Agency's labor-management partnership. Provides guidance, counseling, and training for managers and supervisors with regard to all employee relations issues, which includes, but is not limited to, disciplinary and adverse actions, performance based actions, administrative grievance procedure, prevention of harassment, and general employee conduct and performance issues. Maintains and fosters relationships with all appropriate internal offices, including, EDO, OIG, OGC, SBCR, and each Regional Office in order to insure that all sensitive employee matters are handled in an appropriate manner. Maintains and fosters relationships with all appropriate external organizations, including the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) and the National Treasury Employees' Union in order to insure that all appropriate statutory, regulatory and Government-wide requirements are met in a timely and quality manner.

Work Life and Benefits Branch

Chief: William Dosch

Manages work life, benefits and the disability program activities on an agency-wide basis. Develops, coordinates and implements work life and benefits policies, including but not limited to telework, employee assistance programs, benefits programs and retirement programs. Establishes and manages interagency agreements and contracts for the agency health services program, fitness program, employee assistance program, ergonomics and AED program. Responsible for the oversight of the Headquarters health center and fitness center.

Operations Branch A

Chief: Ramona Bouling

Implements human capital policies and strategies for the Offices listed below. Provides program direction and liaison in support of regional human resources operations. Provides guidance to management and recommendations concerning all operational aspects of human capital management. Assists managers and supervisors in applying human capital strategies to solve workforce planning issues and close skills gaps. Employs technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations, including electronic government recruitment and staffing systems. Client offices and programs serviced by this branch are: ACRS, ASLBP, COMM, CSO, CSU, EDO, NRR, OCA, OCAA, OCFO, OE, OGC, OPA, and SECY. and the NSPDP program.

Operations Branch B

Chief: Gillian Martin

Implements human capital policies and strategies for the Offices listed below. Provides program direction and liaison in support of regional human resources operations. Provides guidance to management and recommendations concerning all operational aspects of human capital management. Assists managers and supervisors in applying human capital strategies to solve workforce planning issues and close skills gaps. Employs technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations, including electronic government recruitment and staffing systems. Client offices and programs serviced by this branch are: FSME, NMSS, NSIR, OCHCO, NMSS, OI, OIS, Summer Program, and the NSPDP.

Operations Branch C

Chief: Melody Fopma

Implements human capital policies and strategies for the Offices listed below. Provides program direction and liaison in support of regional human resources operations. Provides guidance to management and recommendations concerning all operational aspects of human capital management. Assists managers and supervisors in applying human capital strategies to solve workforce planning issues and close skills gaps. Employs technology to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations, including electronic government recruitment and staffing systems. Client offices and programs serviced by this branch are: ADM, NRO, OIP, RES, and SBCR.

Outreach and Recruitment Branch

Chief: Susan Salter

Develops and implements effective outreach and recruitment initiatives in order to secure a highly qualified workforce to meet current and future Agency challenges. Actively engages in workforce and succession planning to lead and coordinate corporate outreach and recruitment efforts. Collaborates with headquarters program and regional offices to engage Agency leadership and provide consultative services related to current and future critical skill needs. Develops comprehensive outreach and recruitment strategies, plans, activities and programs to identify and attract diverse and highly qualified candidates to meet critical hiring needs. Implements the Nuclear Education Grant Program, which supports education in nuclear science, engineering, and related trades to develop a workforce capable of the design, construction, operation, and regulation of nuclear facilities and the safe handling of nuclear materials. Designs effective marketing and branding efforts to attract the right candidate for the right job, incorporating diversity strategies and developing measures of success. Designs and manages strategic employment programs that address Agency programmatic needs including enhancing entry-level and mid-to senior-level hiring across the Agency. Designs and implements internal outreach and communication activities to ensure agency staff are provided opportunities for further development and are kept abreast of human capital initiatives. Develops the human capital strategic plan, management reports and other correspondence of a strategic human capital nature. Furthers the use of automated technology in outreach and recruitment efforts.

Quality Control Staff

Processes personnel actions, interfaces with our payroll provider (Department of the Interior) and functions as a central processing unit to facilitate internal HR quality control efforts. Operates a help desk to provide general human resources information to employees.

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Associate Director for Human Resources Training and Development

Associate Director: Ben Ficks
Deputy Associate Director, PDC: James Morris
Deputy Associate Director, TTC:Steve Cochrum

Provides overall leadership and management of agency-wide training and development policies, programs and systems designed to establish, maintain, and enhance the skills employees need to perform their current jobs effectively and to meet the future skill needs of the agency. Maintains, updates and implements the NRC Training and Development Strategic Plan. In consultation with the NRC headquarters offices and regions, coordinates policy development and provides regulatory, technical, and professional training to meet agency needs defined by formal NRC staff qualification and training programs. Leads and coordinates research, analysis, development and implementation of NRC knowledge management activities to maintain agency core competencies and support the needs of the program offices and regions. Establishes and maintains an integrated budget of all agency training-related activities. Manages the Technical Training Center, Professional Development Center, and Individualized Learning Center staff, facilities, and associated capital assets. Provides technical assistance in areas of expertise to NRC programs and provides systematic training development assistance to offices and regions. Provides training assistance to foreign regulatory counterparts.

Professional Development and Policy Branch

Chief: Leslie Donaldson

Designs, develops, maintains, improves, and implements agency professional training in such areas as communications, computer applications, equal employment opportunity, management and supervision, acquisition, and financial management. Manages development, implementation, and continued technical support for selected information technology applications in support of agency training initiatives. Develops formal training and development programs that support human capital goals, e.g., Nuclear Safety Professional Development Program, Scholarship and Fellowship Programs, Leadership Potential Program, Team Leader Development Program, Supervisory Development Program, and Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program. Develops new courses and modifies existing courses to meet new or changing needs. Provides information, assistance, and counsel to employees on career development. Ensures training policies and professional development activities align with the agency Strategic Plan and the Training and Development Strategic Plan. Establishes and manages interagency agreements and commercial contracts to satisfy NRC professional development and knowledge management needs. Provides expert technical assistance to NRC, other government agencies, and foreign regulatory agencies on regulatory programs, human resources development, knowledge management, and training systems methodology and standards.

Regulatory Fundamentals Training Branch

Chief: Margaret Chernoff

Designs, develops, maintains, improves, and implements technical and professional development programs to meet the training needs defined by NRC qualification and training programs. Develops, maintains, improves, and implements a regulatory fundamentals curriculum in the Westinghouse, General Electric, generic reactor technology, and new reactor vendor designs. Provides a spectrum of classroom and Web-based courses to meet the cumulative regulatory fundamentals training needs of the NRC headquarters reactor licensing and technical review staff. Manages and evaluates formal training and development programs that support human capital goals, e.g., Nuclear Safety Professional Development Program, Scholarship and Fellowship Programs, Leadership Potential Program, Team Leader Development Program, Supervisory Development Program, and Senior Executive Service Candidate Development Program. Develops new courses and modifies existing courses to meet new or changing needs. Provides information, assistance, and counsel to employees on career development. Ensures regulatory fundamentals activities align with the agency Strategic Plan and the Training and Development Strategic Plan. Establishes and manages interagency agreements and commercial contracts to satisfy NRC regulatory fundamentals and professional development needs. Provides expert technical assistance to NRC, other government agencies, and foreign regulatory agencies on reactor operations, regulatory programs, human resources development, and training systems methodology and standards.

Reactor Technology Training Branches

Chief, Reactor Technology Training (PWR) Branch: R. Scott Egli
Chief, Reactor Technology Training (BWR) Branch: Steve Rutledge

Designs, develops, maintains, improves, and implements a reactor technology curriculum in each of the General Electric, Westinghouse, Combustion Engineering, and Babcock and Wilcox reactor vendor designs based on integrated agency needs. Provides a spectrum of classroom and full scope simulator courses to meet the cumulative reactor technology and regulatory skills training needs of the NRC inspection staff. Provides training to develop and maintain agency skills related to performance-based regulatory safety assessment of control room configuration, integrated plant operation, and application of emergency operating procedures, severe accident guidelines, and emergency procedure guidelines. Develops new courses and modifies existing courses to meet new or changing needs. Provides information, assistance, and counsel to employees on career development. Ensures reactor technology training activities align with the agency Strategic Plan and the Training and Development Strategic Plan. Provides expert technical assistance to NRC, other government agencies, and foreign regulatory agencies on reactor operations, regulatory programs, human resources development, and training systems methodology and standards.

Technical Training Support Branch

Chief: (Vacant)

Manages the reactor technical training full-scope simulation program to meet training needs defined by formal NRC staff qualification and training programs. Manages administrative and technical support for the Technical Training Center (TTC) reactor technology and specialized technical training programs. Manages administrative aspects of the TTC facilities including building security, facility management, administrative funds control, property management and control, and support for the local area network and all associated information technology infrastructure. Establishes and manages interagency agreements and commercial contracts for training support needs. Manages development, implementation, and continued technical support for selected agency information technology applications in support of agency human capital initiatives. Ensures technical training support activities align with the agency Strategic Plan and the Training and Development Strategic Plan. Provides expert technical assistance to NRC, other government agencies, and foreign regulatory agencies on reactor operations, regulatory programs, human resources development, and training systems methodology and standards.

Specialized Technical Training Branch

Chief: John Ricci

Manages the NRC specialized technical training programs. Provides or coordinates specialized technical training to meet the training needs defined by formal NRC staff qualification and training programs and in support of Agreement State staff training. Designs, develops, maintains, improves, and implements training in the curriculum areas of probabilistic risk assessment, engineering support, radiation protection, fuel cycle technology, security and safeguards, and regulatory skills based on integrated agency needs. Establishes and manages interagency agreements and commercial contracts to satisfy agency specialized technical training needs. Develops new courses and modifies existing courses to meet new or changing needs. Provides information, assistance, and counsel to employees on career development. Ensures specialized technical training activities align with the agency Strategic Plan and the Training and Development Strategic Plan. Provides expert technical assistance to NRC, other government agencies, and foreign regulatory agencies on reactor operations and nuclear materials, regulatory programs, human resources development, and training systems methodology and standards.

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Tuesday, February 12, 2013