United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission - Protecting People and the Environment
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Office of the Secretary

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Office of the Secretary

Secretary of the Commission: Annette Vietti-Cook
Senior Advisor: Andrew Bates

Provides executive management services to support the Commission and to implement Commission decisions. This includes the planning and scheduling of Commission business by preparing the Commission's meeting agenda, and managing the Commission's decisionmaking process; codifying Commission decisions in memoranda directing staff actions; monitoring staff compliance of pending issues and commitments; processing and control of Commission correspondence; maintaining the Commission's historical paper records collection; and administration of the NRC historical program. The Secretariat maintains the Commission's adjudicatory and rulemaking dockets, including the management of the Commission's electronic hearing docket, which enhances the processes for handling the Commission's adjudicatory activities. The Secretariat also integrates automation initiatives into the Commission's administrative systems.

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History Staff

Historian: Thomas R. Wellock

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Plans Staff

Executive Assistant: Sandra Joosten

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Operations Staff

Technical Coordinator: Kenneth Hart
Technical Coordinator: Richard Laufer
Policy Coordinator: Rochelle Bavol

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Correspondence and Records Staff

Assistant for Correspondence and Records: Linda Mike

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Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff

Assistant for Rulemakings and Adjudications: Emile Julian

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Page Last Reviewed/Updated Monday, December 17, 2012