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Emergency Management

In an emergency, GSA's Great Lakes Region works with other agencies to support the Department of Homeland Security's National Response Framework

The National Response Framework establishes a comprehensive all-hazards approach to domestic incident response. GSA plays a critical role in the National Response Framework, providing a full array of support for logistics, acquisitions, and specified transportation needs through a range of possible conditions.

GSA is responsible for opening and closing federal office buildings where agencies are located. In the event of an emergency, federal employees should follow their own agency's emergency procedures and monitor media announcements to obtain disaster or emergency-related information. 

When necessary, GSA's Great Lakes Regional Headquarters will coordinate with the Chicago Federal Executive Board (FEB) and other FEBs in major cities throughout the region to disseminate additional information for federal employees, vendors, and citizens.

Continuity of Operations (COOP)During emergencies and disasters, federal agencies rely on GSA to continue delivering expert solutions, acquisition services, and superior workplaces, while the public counts on GSA's customer agencies to continue delivering the agencies' services as well. Continuity of Operations (COOP) planning is essential to maintaining this delivery.  

Contact GSA for more information on COOP planning. Agencies can also access additional COOP related information at the FEMA website.


Mark McConnaughhay
(312) 353-3487

John Larsen
(312) 353-8576

Great Lakes Emergency Preparedness,COOP,disaster,relief,emergencies,oep,alternate work site designation