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Publication Facility-level and Individual-level Correlates of Sexual Victimization in Juvenile Facilities, 2012

Leanne Heaton, David Cantor, Ph.D., Carol Bruce, Weijia Ren, John Hartge, Westat, Allen J. Beck, Ph.D., Bureau of Justice Statistics

June 28, 2016    NCJ 249877

This report examines facility impact on youth sexual victimization and also takes into account critical youth-level predictors. The objectives are to examine the facility-level correlates of youth sexual victimization, identify significant youth characteristics that can predict sexual victimization, and describe the contextual circumstances surrounding youth victimization. This includes analysis of facility attributes that correspond to the Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) standards. Findings are based on the 2012 National Survey of Youth in Custody and a companion facility survey.

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National Survey of Youth in Custody (NSYC)

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