« Northeast Cooperative Research
Hauling in the Ruhle trawl
Hauling in the Ruhle trawl. For more on development of the Ruhle trawl click here
Credit: David Beutel/URI Sea Grant

Programs Overview

The Northeast Cooperative Research Program (NCRP) is responsible for the coordination and implementation of federally-supported collaborative fisheries research in the Northeast which includes NEFSC-directed projects, research funded through NCRP contract competitions, four Research Set-Aside programs, a Study Fleet, and Congressionally-funded cooperative research programs. The NCRP also provides funds to help support collaborative research administered through external partners such as the Northeast Consortium and Commercial Fisheries Research Foundation.

Northeast Cooperative Research Program projects are competitively selected. The focus of the research supported is governed by priorities set by the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Councils, or in a few instances, specified by Congress. Funds can be distributed through grants, contracts, or cooperative agreements

Research Set-Aside Programs are conducted without direct federal funds. Awards are made competitively, but participants are funded or compensated through the sale of landings or use of fishing days set aside from annual fisheries allocations.

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(File Modified Jun. 22 2016)