Grant Closeout

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The  grant closeout process is initiated as soon as grant support ends. Recipients are required to submit all closeout documentation using the eRA Commons no later than 120 days after the expiration of the project period or after the grant transfers to a new institution. If the recipient is delinquent submitting grant closeout reports, the NCI may initiate a Unilateral Closeout action. This is a serious action for the recipient institution and can impact future funding.

NCI grants management and program directors review closeout documentation to determine that all applicable administrative actions and required work of the  recipient have been completed.

The recipient is required to submit:

  • A final federal financial report (FFR; SF425)
  • A final  progress report including final inclusion (formerly population tracking) data when applicable
  • A final  invention statement

If additional information is required after submission of the documents, the NCI will initiate a Final Report Additional Materials (FRAM) request. The PI and the business official will be copied on the notification and a FRAM link will be provided in the eRA Commons to submit the additional information online.

Closeout of a grant does not automatically cancel any requirements for property accountability, record retention, or financial accountability. Following closeout, the recipient remains obligated to return funds due as a result of later refunds, corrections, or other transactions, and the federal government may recover amounts based on the results of an audit covering any part of the period of grant support.