
CRD databases update 04/10 - 10/10/2012

Stoptober: Smoking is the greatest single cause of preventable illness and premature death in the UK.

To coincide with the launch of Stoptober, we highlight key systematic reviews available on DARE that examine the effectiveness of interventions designed to help smokers quit. Read more...

Publication: Stewart GB, Altman DG, Askie LM, Duley L, Simmonds MC, Stewart LA. Statistical analysis of individual participant data meta-analyses: a comparison of methods and recommendations for practice. PLoS One 2012;7(10):e46042

New project: Interventions for adult eustachian tube dysfunction

Publication: Phillips R, Hancock B, Graham J, Bromham N, Jin H, Berendse S. Prevention and management of neutropenic sepsis in patients with cancer: summary of NICE guidance. BMJ 2012; [Epub ahead of print]


130 systematic reviews have been added to DARE

9 economic evaluations have been added to NHS EED

42 summaries of health technology assessments have been added to the HTA database









Page last updated: 15 October 2012